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Sunday,May 22, 2005, 14:41

      Getting close to being able to work on 7/8 scale outside again.  Getting a lot of Spring Cleanup done, might even get the Cassvilie Yard straightened up, and have enough tie and batten mateirial to relay Summit Curve.  From there its a matter of reballasting the main down to Anns Creek Yard.  Not sure what repairs are gonna be needed there, I'm really simplifing the track plan this year so maybe I can run more trains instead of constantly doing maintanace.

     Got plenty of rail, so moving on with building a loop and a wye on the former site of the Timesaver shoudn't cost more than a board to rip ties and battens from.  Time is the only thing I need.

    Need to prep a couple more sets of castings for assembly this week and get my butt in gear turning out some stock.  I'd like to get three more ready to prime tonight.

Monday, May 23, 2005, 0530

 Gotta get few hoppers knocked out this morning.  Waiting for a few checks to arrive, but building up stock in the meantime.  Got a pile of parts on the bench still, will have to sand them down this evening.


 Knocked out one hopper ready to prime, and two others ready for styrene.  Don't know if I have enough styene sheet or angle for many more.  Might just assemble as many sets of castings as I can, then do the styrene work this evening.  I siliconed the molds over the weekend and let them set.  Will get to pouring some more tonight as well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 0730

 Not been as productive as i might have hoped.  Got a payment for 6 hoppers Monday, but can't ship til I get paid tomorrow.  Good new is I will have three more ready to prime this afternoon.  Got parts for about 7 more that need sanded and assembly.

 I beleive that I will do some work on the engine terminal and main yard  this weekend along with the landscaping project.  This should be the last time fer a while that I'll have to collect BFR's.

Thursday,May 26,2005, 0730

 Got three hoppers ready for priming yesterday.  Gonna take a shot at getting 6 more sets of castings sanded down tonight, work on assembling them tomorrow.  Might try to get to the Home Depot to pick up a board and a sheet of styrafoom to work on the main yard/engine terminal/Summit Curve area this weekend

Saturday, May 28, 2005, 0950

 Started out raining this morning, but it looks like its gonna burn off and be kinda nice.  Got the last planting bed to landscape today, then I can start working on the RR again.  Might even get round to a little tidy up work on the Cassville Yard depending on hiw hard the landscaping is.


 Last of the non RR landscaping is done.  I did get to start on Cassville Yard in the way of beginning the turntable pit.  I cut the bottom out of 2" pink foam, going to get some inch or half inch stuff to make the sides out of.  Dug the hole too it supplied good topsoil for the planting bed.  I forgot however that there was a freakin tree stump in there that I had to chop out as I went.

 Might get around to messing with the track tomorrow.  Need to fix a couple of the swithstands and clean out the travels.  Summit curve needs a complete relay, and I'm not sure I'm gonna put the Port Lavender switch back in.Started out raining this morning, but it looks like its gonna burn off and be kinda nice.  Got the last planting bed to landscape today, then I can start working on the RR again.  Might even get round to a little tidy up work on the Cassville Yard depending on hiw hard the landscaping is.


 Last of the non RR landscaping is done.  I did get to start on Cassville Yard in the way of beginning the turntable pit.  I cut the bottom out of 2" pink foam, going to get some inch or half inch stuff to make the sides out of.  Dug the hole too it supplied good topsoil for the planting bed.  I forgot however that there was a freakin tree stump in there that I had to chop out as I went.

 Might get around to messing with the track tomorrow.  Need to fix a couple of the swithstands and clean out the travels.  Summit curve needs a complete relay, and I'm not sure I'm gonna put the Port Lavender switch back in.

Sunday, May 29, 2005, 0730

 Got the stuff to do the sides of the TT pit last night.  Home Depot still doesn't have any cedar for ties, but I think that I have enuff for a TT lead and to start relaying Summit Curve.


 Good feedback from the fellow who ordered 6 hoppers in Oz.  He liked them, and was impressed enuff with my work to suggest that the next offering be in the lines of a smallish logging caboose like the one KD offered years ago.  Might just be worth looking into once I get the hoppers done up.

 Going to get a few additional plantings in the ground this morning, then work on the turntable assembly.  Still looking for the best treatment to get the pit to resemble concrete.

Monday, May 30, 2005 0700

 Feels like its going to be one of those days.  Just can't seem to get motivated.  Got parts for 8 hoppers layin in front of me, but just can't get enthusiastic about 'em

Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 0900

 I took out the Port Lavender switch on sunday, and I don't think that I'll put it back.  Port Lavender will be a runthrough point from Cassville.  It will also serve as a locomotive changing point.  Trains are brought up from PL by a transfer loco, which cuts off and goes to turn and is replaced by a road loco.  If No8 still operates like a pig this year she'll be the transfer loco.  No 6 will get to be the Cassville shifter, with 7 and 9 running the hill to Ann's Creek.

 I think that No6 might get a new cab and bunker this year, it looks a bit crude when compared to no7 and 9.  Would really like to focus on getting some structures built this year.  A tipple at Anns Creek, and an enginehouse at Cassville seem like managble projects.


 Well got a little productive today, 5 hoppers ready for primer.  Still got parts for 2-3 more in the box.  Will probably cast a couple more sets tonight

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