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Tuesday, June 22, 2004, 0930

Not exactly what one would call a productive weekend.  I did finish the sign for the new Shop  and weeded the Anns Creek, AC Colleries portion of the layout, cleaned all the accumulated crud out of the turnouts too.  I was going to set out the rolling stock, but but it was supposed to rain last night and today, so I'll just wait til tomorrow.  Need to order a couple bundles of rail today too.

I've decided to try using a switchlist  for each train using the carcards as a generator.  This way, only the Dispatcher will actually have to handle the car cards.  They can also then be used to record the car positions at the end of the session.

 I need to install a new spur for a wood chemical plant at what WAS going to be the coal dock, and a logging railroad interchange.


Giving rain for tomorrow, so I guess no ops session, really anxious to try out the new switchlists.  Found a program on the internet for Carcards , pretty nifty.  Ordered 2 bundles of Code 250 Al rail today too.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004, 1400

Instead of installing a siding at Cedar Summit (I really think I need to change the name now) I'm gonna use the three way stub as part of the new main yard.


Sat the rolling stock out this evening , have some minor repairs to make on one turnout and a couple of fixes to the yard ladder.  Not sure if No8's battery was low,  or theres a problem with the motor noise surpression.  Gonna charge  the battery  and try her out again tomorrow evening, then if she's still a PITA I'll have t have a look at her electronics.  Might just say her flues are expired this summer and let No7 handle the Mixed train.

Thursday, June 24, 2004, 0930

After contemplating an talking to Tony Walsham I believe the problems with No8 are caused by a low battery.  I just wonder if the one I was using for No8 has gone bad.  Might not be a bad ideer to convert her over to NiMHs like No9.  Was revieing some at with a charger and 12 cells for $25.


Just finished a fairly successful operating session.  Few minor repairs to track here and there but it all worked out.  I think instead of using three different switchlists, I'll use one and let the freight  train loco do all the days work.  Will have to work out the blocking and I gotta yet get the chemical track  and lumber interchange laid and installed.

Friday, June 25, 2004, 0800

Started filling in infor on the new car card program I found on the net.  Mostly just rostering locos, cars, stations and industries.  Have to see how it all works, not sure if it randomizes the waybills or not I haven't gotten that far yet.

Gonna do a short operating session  this morning to finish off the last switchlist.  As the layout stands currently, I do believe  I will drop back to a single switchlist  for a freight train a day  to come into Anns Creek, do all the work, and leave town.

Still not gotten round to the wood chemical plant spur, or the logging interchange but since no switches are involved, should be fairly straight foreward.  Have a serious 'bump' in the track at the end of the Collery Yard, I think I'll have to excavate it pound a piece of rebar down through it to pin it in place.

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