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Sunday, September 5, 2004 0930

    The "Durbin Rocket" was a neat little operation and a very good time. No3 is a wonderful, Well kept little Climax.  The line is relatively flat so it really didn;t have to work too hard with an open gondola and two cabooses (cabeese?) Did get to watch them water the Ol Gal at a bridge over a creek, really interesting.   They built a tiny board and batten enginehouse behind the depot  tokeep No3 in.  I'm considering constructiong something similar for my Anns Creek locomotive.

    Some operational Notes.  The lumber company train can bring  loads down ot the Collery and deposit them on a yard track there.  IT can then go to the TT and get turned for its return trip.  When the freight comes through  it can set off the empties on the lumbering line, for the logging locomotive to take back.  The freight will leave the loads for now , also dropping all the loads for the brick plant  on the siding

    Meanwhile, the AC switcher pulls all the cars from the industrial trackage ad assembles them on the Brick Plant Spur for pickup.  The wayfreight will continue on to Anns Creek with whatever cars it has forthe freighthouse and the company store, only 1 or 2 cars.  After doing its busines at AC, she turns and makes her train for the run back to Cassville, picking up the cut from the brickplant spur and grabbing the lumber loads at AC#1.

Monday, September 6, 2004, 0800

    Two more days off, time to make the most of them!  Got some minor chores to do around the house this morning, but then its out to The Shop.  Goal is to get all teh switchstands on the yard ladder (3) installed and working.  Uprights are soldered up alreay just the levers and shafts yet t do then tis only a matter of doing the install job on them.  Still need to build the last switch and tie it in at the far end of the yard too.The escape track and cabin track will have to wait for tomorrow I suspect.


    Well I got the three switch stands built, two installed, and one actually working perfectly!    Teh 2nd one is between the storage spur and the the Interchange track.  The throw was too far for the stand to accomodate so I'm gonna have to make some alteratrion there.  T'was too hot and too tired to be spiking things on my knees, will do it early in the morning when its still cool.  Have to make a minor repair or two on the enginehouse switch before I can mount its stand, broke off a tie moving it.

Tuesday September 7, 2004 0930

    Was up and out bright and early.  Got the repairs made to both switches that I needed to, all three stands are installed and working perfectly.  Will prolly knock a few cars around it here in a bit after a cofee break.

    Plan for today is to build the No6 LH for the far end of the yard and the escape track, think I'll do it all as one unit, will install its switch stand on the bench.  Then all I need to do is install it, lay the connecting rail, and mount the stand for the cabin track


    Well I got the last switch finished and laid the escape track.  Soldered up another switch  stand and mounted it to the switch, then installed the whole shootin match in the rain, glad to have gotten it completed.  Just two sticks of rail approximately 8 inches long each  are all I need to complete the passing siding, and the Yard is servicable.  Was wet and muddy enough by this point so I decided to save that pleasure for tomorrow.  Won't be long before the trains run!

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 0700

    Just a thought this morning.  Instead of a brick plant at Anns Creek, I think I'll place a powder mill there instead.  Powder mills tended to be isolated anyways due to their explosive nature.  One could have been located in the Anns Creek Valley and recieve raw materials from both Port Lavender and the Interchange.  Not only would a powder works be critical for the War Effort, it would be used for mining as well.

    Raw material on one leg of the Timesaver, with finished poder being shipped off the former brickplant spur.  The other leg of the Timesaver would serve as an electrical generating powerhouse that recieves coal loads.

Thursday, September 9, 2004, 1100

    More thinking done on the arrangement at Anns Creek.  I beleive I will put the powerplant onthe spur I was gonna use for the oil loadout.  the oilfield I'll put on the old brickplant spur, and widen the layout border if necessary.  The powder mill will go completely on the Timesaver.  Two seperate structures, one for the delivery of raw materials, another for the mixing, packaging and shipping of the finished product.

Friday, September 10, 2004, 0800

    With construction on the main yard drawing to a close, I think the focus for the weekend will be getting the last bits in place, and then giving The Shop a good cleaning and organizing so I can get onto some long neglected projects.  Still two wooden hoppers to finish.  The steel cars might get put on a back burner until winter sets in.  Do need that last boxcar though .


    Got the last two rails spiked into place this afternoon.  Then set out the rolling stock and locos and played trains for a while.  Discovered No7 won;t take the curve into the interchange track, So No2 will have to be the Yard Goat.  Can assign No7 to Anns Creek and use no9 on the road assignments.  Had fun knocking cars around on the New Yard, planing an afternoon operating session Sunday witht he JRVP, will see how it goes.

Saturday, September 11, 2004, 0800

    Glad the yard is mostly finished now, at least trains can run realistically now.  Amazed that the yard holds all the current revenue equipment.  May have too many flatcars at that, but it don't hurt to have one or two in storage.  A pair of empties is always going up the lumber line and a pair of loads is always coming down.  Need to get some visual loads made up.  since all cars are pretty much standard, the same laods should fit all.

    Definate need is for boxcars, only have 4 need about 6 I should think.  Then there are tank carsfor the oil field, and as always hopper cars.  Looks like a good winter for car construction.

    Discovered that I'm gonna need the Cabin Track and powerplant spur finished pretty quick.  The cabins get in the way  while switching.  Can;t leave them on the ready track all the time, nor in the yard, or at the end of the escape track if No9 is working.  Sometimes ya just gotta stick with the plan.  Gotta switch the switch stand on that turnout over to the other side too, may wait til I get the cabin track in place and see how big a pain it is where it is.

    Need to do a few light running repairs on the locos to getthem in tip top shape, all cosmetic at that, 'cept for No8.  Tony Walsham seems to think its a voltage problem So I'll debug the batteries first.  If thats the fix, mebbe I can get her buttoned up in time for operating on Sunday.


    Really enthused about running trains tomorrow.  Working out how some cars will be distributed along the line, just gonna drop some cars in the morning, and write out a switchlist from that.  Will worry about the car cards later.  already got a set of flats spotted on the lumber line. Mebbe put a boxcar  of powder to pickup at the works and drop off a boxcar or two at the plant. Perhaps some freighthouse or somethingfor the company store.

    Gonna use No2 for the Cassville Switcher, and send No7 down to Anns Creek . No9 will be out road engine, will outfit it with roosters to use the LNP's.  Combine 02 will be right behind the locomotivethen the freight consist with Cabin 03 bringin up the rear in true mixed train fashion.  reversing the train order at Anns Creek ought to be fun as well.  No7 will handle all the switching in Anns Creek, No9 will just get outta the way on the TT lead and let No7 get about the business.

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