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Need to establish a construction schedule to get me back on track.
I seem to be hitting things haphazard, and not getting anything done.
Since I'll be gone most of the week I should have time to get things
prioritized by next weekend.
Monday, September 12, 2005
I think I need to get the turntable finished and set in place as the first priority. It has languished long enough. Will be a good project for the weekend, finish up the TT bridge and get the pit permanently in place. Thats going to require a bit more excavation. With that done, i can lay the approach track and the enginehouse stall tracks. The miniature tablesaw ought to arrived by then so I can cut trim out and get the engine house finished up in the evenings next week.
Still have a pair of un finished watercolumns stashed in The Shop too. Finish at least one of them to put in the engine terminal too.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Few thoughts on rolling stock. I will finish the last two gondola conversions, then get the last two 40 series hoppers off the bench. I don't think I will complete the operating doors on them. That will give me a fleet of 10 coal hauling cars. The old 20 and 30 cars will be held for use on the portable layout.
Combine 02 is officially retired, will have to use Cabin 03 for now until I get the new combine done. Roof, doors, and detail bits are all thats left. I beleive I will refit it with LNPs for the time being, and put off the knuckle coupler convertion til a later date.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Really wish I was home this week. Could be getting all sorts of stuff done. No word on if tjhe minitablesaw has arrived or not. Kinda counting on that to cut the trim for the enginehouse. Prolly will need to give The Shop a good cleaning and re organizing when I get back so's I can find everything again.
I beleive I need to get a fe more batteries and anothe charger laid in before the Railroad Show this year. I'm considering laying down a loop of On30 track on a peice of two inch foam for it too.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
One more day, and I'm back home to start railroad work. Found a very neat ground throw I might use in Collery Yard. Basically its just a brass strip screwed to the throwbar and bent so that it engages a piece of rod across the long ties. I think I can improve on the idea by soldering a couple of chunks of brass tee to the underside of the strip.
Friday, September 16, 2005
No word if the new saw has arrived. I was hoping that it would be there for me to play with this weekend
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Working on the enginehouse today. Went out and got
the paint for it this morning, a light yellow for the bulk of the structure
and a reddish brown for doors, windows and trim. Also got some black
to make foam coal loads for the gons and hoppers.