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The rolling stock continues to come along nicely. I managed to get the metal roofing on boxcar 308 today as well as finishing up the side framing. Still getting to know my brad nailer, but overall construction is quite solid. 308 will be finished this week, with the 309 underway shortly.
Preliminary work is underway on the new passenger equipment. I think I'm going to do a triple combine, baggage/RPO/Coach like the WW&F's "Tacconet" and a coach like "Vasselboro" Prototypes are 32' long so I'm plotting on them being approximately 30" long. Started on windows using Precision Products sheet windows as a mold. They are good for about 3-4 castingsthen they tear, but at least I got a couple of masters to cast an RTV mold.
Started construction on the trucks too, using the NENG plans from GR Instead of cutting stuff from plywood, I cut a master with poplar that I'm going to make a two part mold of. All cast them in alumilite, and use brass strip instead of styrene. Once I get trucks, I can test a frame for testing end overhang and center overhang in curves to determine exactly how long a car I can get around the curves.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Minor stback on the Boxcar fleet. 306 got tipped over and got caught in a major stormm last night . Apparently the sealing didn't work and the siding ripped the frame apart. Car wil be scrapped.
During lunch I scarapped the old 306. The ladders are now nailed to Boxcar 301 on the bench. Salvaged and repaired the frame, brad nailing it together. Reapplied the trussrods, this frame will be the chasis for the third outside braced car. managed to save the roof and roofwalk as well. The trick will be to build the rest of the car between the the frame and the roof.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
It appears that I will have doubled the boxcar fleet in October. I finished the 2nd car in the brace of three yesterday, and got a good start on the third. Should be able to finish the 308 tomorrow. All thats left is to finish up the outside bracing, apply the roof, and doing the details, then its ready for paint.
Made a master for the passenger truck sideframes and poured the mold. MAde the first shot in Alumilite this morning, all indications look positive thus far
Got the first two castings demolded for the passenger trucks, will be ready to assemble this weekend. Noit sure If I got the right size wood for the bolsters however, might have to mill them special. Once I got a set of trucks together I can begin the car length testing to see what the physical plant can actually handle.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Today was basically a wasted day for Railroading. Once again the Real World reared its ugly head and wasted all morning and the biggest part of the afternoon. Did manage to get the outside bracing and roof on the third boxcar. Trucks are ready for paint, and after adding a few details I can paint the carbody.
Got Alumilite castings done for two sets of passenger trucks, had enough of the right sized wood for bolsters in the scrap bin so mebbe I can get them assembled this weekend.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
I have an extra set of metal wheelsets, so I think I'll go ahead and build a third set of passenger trucks to go under a business/parlor car.