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Monday, October 31, 2005

    Last week was a total write off.  Got nothing accomplished at all really.   I did put a little bit of roofing on the combine and fiddle with the operations program a bit.  Man it got cold all of a sudden, like we went straight from Summer to Winter, no Fall to it.

     Been contemplating the winter project list.   I know I need at least 5 more hoppers to strat freeing up some of the gons.  I started the CAD designs for them, I might get to work on a protoype one this weekend if I get the time to mill out the wood for it.  Following that I need at least one reefer, and a pair of tank cars.  I'm considering rebuilding the two older style boxcars and building a coach later in the season if time and ambition permits.


    I beleive this evening I'm going to get the roof applied to the celerstory and start working on the doors.  I hope to be able to concoct a saw list by Thursday in order to work on a prototype for the new hopper series over this weekend.  I figger I can get the wood bits all cobbled up and begin making masters for the detail castings.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

    Still have a few panel of roofing to add to the 06 because I ran out of GOOP and forgot to pick up more.   Hopefully I'll get them on tonight.  I have finished the basic design CAD for the new series of hoppers, I'm going to work up a saw list tonight and work on a prototype for the car this weekend.  I think I'm going to retire the 303 and 305 boxcars and build better looking outside sheathed cars to replace them.  That's sorta a ways down the "To Do" list behind the hoppers, tank car and reefer, but should provide a nice change if I get bored of working on one type of car.  Actually I'm considering building in pairs, two hoppers, two reefers, two tanks and so on, just alternate between the types to keep things interesting.

Thursday, November 3, 2005

    Got up early today and finished roofing the combine before going to work.  Finished up the plans for the new 50 sereies hoppers, and made up a sawlist.  This afternoon I cut the wood for the new cars with an eye towards working on them over the weekend.  I'm going to put them on my cast steel truck castings instead of the Bachmann trucks.

Friday, November 4, 2005
    Wonderful day in The Shops today.  Got started on the first of the new series of hoppers.   I'm not sure how many I will eventually end up building, but they should end up pushing the gons back into general service soon.  I got the wooden part of the car done and set it on trucks.  The masters and molds are done for the castings, and the first test shots are applied to the car.  I have to say I'm pleased with the look of them.

Saturday, November 5, 2005

    I finished detailing hopper 50 today and gave it a coat of paint.  I'm still trying to decide where best to put the road number on its sides.  after finishing the hopper I cleaned up The Shops a little and cut some more wood to build more cars.  After cleaning the shops up I was able to start working on the doors for Combine 06.  I managed to get the baggage doors and applied to the car boday and got a good start on the RPO section doors. Tomorrow I'll get on with the end doors then get to masking off all the windows for priming and painting.  Don't have a lot of detailing left to do on the 06 so perhaps it will be ready for the paintshop tommorow sometime.

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