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Monday, December 12, 2005

    Got most of the tender for the 0-6-0 done last night, and scored an IHC 2-8-2 off Ebay.  I beleive the 2-8-2 will be the longest locomotive to get turned on the TF&E division, so I can use it to plan the turntables in a couple of weeks.  I beleive that I will have to build a support leg for the end of the Annibird section where the dropleaf is gonna be.  I figger its going to be  abit too heavy to just hang there off the end of the foam.  Need to do a bit of rewireing in the East Lavender area too to allow a bit more flexibility in parking locomotives.

    Need a project to get behind today, just don,t seemed to be enthusiastic about anything.  Perhaps i'll finish up the steel hopper and then start cutting on an EBTesque steel boxcar.  My On30 trucks are on the way, so I should have them by this weekend to put under new construction.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

    The 2-8-2 shippd yesterday so I should have it in my hot little hands by this weekend.  Near as I can figure, Uintah 40 and EBT 12 are close kin, the 40 being a bit heavier but with smaller drivers, and somewhere along the way she lost her rear sand dome.  In addition the 12 was a year newer than the 40  but came with slide valve cylinders instead of the piston ones.  I guess I will wait til I have the mech stripped down to see exaxctly what I'm going to do with it.

    Added grabs and brake rigging to the the steel hopper, which I have determined should be number 80 being the prototype for the first all steel cars on the WV&K NG.  I still need to fabricated and mount a plate to hide the draft gear shims, then I can run the hopper into the paintshop as well.

    Painted the 0-6-0 tender last night and ran it around the layout.   Oddly enough it runs much better that the 4-6-0, even though its of the same manufactuer and smae model.  I need to get a keychain light for a headlight reflector, and add a few last minute details and touch up the paint a bit.  Although I intended her to carry No5 on the roster, I think No3 will be more appropriate.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

    Just couldn't help myself, found a deal on an HO Plymoth and ordered one.  Will look at making a 20 ton Boxcab out of it.  Going to try to finish up "The O Scale Chronicals" and get the rest of the webpage ready to do some updates, then do the last little things that need doing on the steel hopper, then start on a steel boxcar.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

    The IHC Mike arrived Thursday.  Nice little loco as is, but I just couldn;t take it sitting there stock.  So I stripped it down and banged away at it most of the day yesterday, the result thus far is very EBTesque I think, I'm rather pleased.  I could easily see a fleet of 2-8-2s inhabiting the TF&E Division.  Bad Ideas abound.  The steel hopper has been painted and just needs coupleres installed, and I am well along on an EBT steel boxcar.

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