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7/8 Hopper Car Design to O scale Coke Car

January 16, 2006

     With the establishment of a coking yard at Anniebird, need some specialized cars to haul the finshed product to market.  I decided to modify my 7/8 scale Series 40 hopper design in O scale to look like the same car rebuilt with taller , stronger sides for coke service.  I use a piece of Vgroove siding to make a deck, and applied styrene timbers I cut from .1 styrene on my mini table saw.  Bolsters and needle beams came from the same material, and was framed up just like the big car.
     Sides and ends also were made from v groove with uprights cut from .060 styrene on the saw.  Slope sheets were plain .040 styrene to simulate a steel clad interior. a stack of 5 pennies was inserted underneath the slopesheets to give the car a bit of weight over the trucks.

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

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