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Welp it seems that the company what mined the coal ,(The Cedar Mountain Coal & Lumber Co) owned summore land on up the valley, but they's said that them stannard gauge tracks would never make the trip. The powars thet be at thet time looked intah it an decided thet they'd build 'em a narra gauge tram on up in thar tah whur the new mine was 'spossed ta be. Welp they brought in an construction cump'ny that also belonged tah the Wes Virginny an Kintucky Rayroad (West Virginia Excavation & Transport Company) to build it. They used some lil dinky lokeymotives and cars to build 'em a lil' two foot narra gauge tram up yonner. Welp they built on up to whur the mines was, and the construction lokeymotives stayed on to haul the coal outta thar. Summer about thet time they built them big rock ovens in Cassville ta start turnin summada coal they's bringin outta there inta coke tah be used in them big iron plants down 'long the Ohi'er River.
This was all well an good, but a buncha them fellers thet owned bidnesses in tha county got to figgerin thet thy ought to have 'em a rayroad to theys bidnesses too. Welp they went and talked tah the fellers what wuz in charge of the Wes Virginny an Kintucky tah build 'em a little more rayroad intah the county. Welp them thar fellers says thet they talked ta they bean counters who says thet they ain't no money in buildin no more rayroad tracks into th' county. Them fellers wern't the kinda people to quit fer long, so's they decided to try sumthin differn't. The fellers went ta Tha County C'mission ta see if there wuz sumthin ta be done. They's told thet they wasn't much thet they could do ta make the Wes Virginniy an Kintucky build 'em no rayroad, but they could hep 'em out a might by gettin 'em a charter for rayroad o their very own.
A rayroad o their very own they thinks; say thet thars a purty good ideer, but they ain;t got the first clue 'bout how ta go 'bout builin' a rayroad. Welp it jus so happens that one of them fellers bumps into Big Red Callahan , the big irish feller what run the tram road outta Cassville up Anns Creek way. He tells 'em they ought ta go talk to his bosses whut built and run the tramroad. He sets up a meetin an' they all git tah gether and tawk 'bout it. Welp they decides thet the Doubleya Vee Eee and Tee can build 'em a new line out through tha county, but it will cost money, and then theys the question of a right o way. Welp Tha County C'mssion decides that they'll grant some right O way along ol County route 2 thet jus so happens runs 'cross the tramway near a lil place called Rosetree. Welp they all got together an got it figgered out that they could build build the tramroad down Rt 2 and make everbuddy fer the most part happy. They all got tahgether, formed 'em up a c'mpny and got a charter. They called it the Wayne County Narra Gauge Rayroad. Whut all was ta happen was the the county still owned the Right O Way, the WVE&T would build tha rayroad and run it, and the WCNG would get tha equipment and provide all tha dough to get tha bal rollin'. They decide that all the bidnesses that were ta use the new rayroad could pay a 'scription fee and not have to pay no freight charges, but any folks who wanted to use the rayroad that didn;t 'scribe to it would have ta pay!