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Covered Hoppers...
Next to hoppers and boxcars, covered hoppers were the most plentiful type of Chessie car on the East End.  Chessie covered hoppers were the most popular road on the East End, but Norfolk & Western and Chicago Northwestern both were seen regularly.

Click below for pics of my models.  Accurail makes a great big ACF (American Car Foundry) type covered hopper.  Bowser makes an excellent small PS (Pullman Standard) type covered hopper.  Atlas makes a superb cylindrical hopper.

Accurail Covered Hoppers          (13 pictures)    HC-24, HC-38, HC-47
Athearn Covered Hoppers           (1 picture)      HC-27A
Athearn/Bev-Bel Covered Hoppers   (4 pictures)     HC-27, HC-38
Atlas Covered Hoppers             (5 pictures)     HC-7,  HC-13, HC-20
Bowser Covered Hoppers            (1 picture)      HC-35
Eastern Car Works Covered Hoppers (3 picture)      HC-3, HC-8, HC-37
Front Range Covered Hoppers       (10 pictures)    HC-41, HC-44
Intermountain Covered Hoppers     (2 pictures)     HC-43
Ramax Covered Hopper              (1 picture)      HC-44
Walthers Covered Hoppers          (2 pictures)     HC-16, HC-39

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