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British Columbia

Switchers and Shortlines

B.C. Hydro EMD MP15DC #152
New Westminster, BC - 4/18/87
C. Prutton photo

B.C. Hydro GE 70-ton #942
Vancouver, BC - 3/27/77
C. Prutton photo

B.C. Hydro Caboose #A-3
Vancouver, BC - 4/02/77
C. Prutton photo

B.C. Hydro EMD SD38AC #381
Surrey, BC - 3/18/87
C. Prutton photo

B.C. Hydro EMD SD38-2 #383
Mt. Lehman, BC - 8/05/91
C. Prutton photo

B.C. Railway MLW S-13 #1003
N. Vancouver, BC - 10/83
C. Prutton photo

B.C. Railway MLW S-13 #1003
N. Vancouver, BC - 12/31/78
C. Prutton photo

CN Rail SW1200RS 1218
Port Mann, BC - 9/14/80
C. Prutton photo

CN Rail GMD-1u 1402
(Converted to B-B wheel arrangement)
Prince Albert, Sask. - 9/07/92
C. Prutton photo

CN Rail GMD-1u 1605
(Original A1A-A1A wheel arrangement)
Prince Albert, Sask. - 9/07/92
C. Prutton photo

CN Rail SW8 7155
Port Mann, BC - 4/03/77
C. Prutton photo

CP Rail DS-4-4-1000 #7075
Port Coquitlam, BC - 5/04/69
C. Prutton photo

CP Rail S-2 #7076
Vancouver, BC - 10/12/80
C. Prutton photo

CP Rail RS-23 #8020
Port Coquitlam, BC - 10/17/76
C. Prutton photo

Vancouver Wharves Alco S-2 #24
N. Vancouver, BC - 4/27/80
C. Prutton photo

The images on this page are used here with written persmission of the owner. Please do not reproduce, publish, or otherwise distribute these images. You are welcome to save any images on your computer for reference or personal enjoyment.

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This page created on August 15, 2001 and last updated on July 23, 2006

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