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Oregon Shortlines

City of Prineville Railway

Gordon Lloyd Jr. photo
Sheldon Perry collection
City of Prineville
Alco S-1 #101
(77079, 3/50)

Prineville, OR
May 14, 1980

Acquired new
Completely rebuilt by M-K 11/72

Sold in 1983 to D.A. Wilson (dealer)
Resold 3/84 to Salina Terminal Elevators (Wolcott, KS)

Wes Hammon photo
Sheldon Perry collection
City of Prineville
Alco S-1 #102
(69596, 10/41)

Prineville, OR
August 26, 1975

Acquired 1/61
Ex-Spokane, Portland & Seattle #10
Completely rebuilt by M-K 11/71

Sold in 1983 to D.A. Wilson (dealer)
In Kansas City, MO, 3/84

Sheldon Perry photo
City of Prineville
EMD GP9 #989
(20029, 11/54)

Prineville Jct., OR
Sept. 7, 2001

Acquired 3/83
Ex Milwaukee Road "GP20" #989
Exx Milwaukee GP9 #238, nee #2388

Still in service

Scott Anderson photo
City of Prineville Railway
Alco S-1 #102 and Alco S-3 #103

Prineville, OR
Sept. 26, 1977

Alco S-1 #102 (serial 9596, built 10/41) was originally Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. #10, acquired by the City of Prineville in 12/60 (or 1/61 or 9/62, info varies). It wasretired in 1984, disposition unknown to me.

Alco S-3 #103 (serial 79774, built 5/52) was originally Brooks-Scanlon Inc. (Bend, OR) #102, and hauled logs from the Sisters/Black Butte area to Bend. Brooks-Scanlon closed it's railroad in 1956, and their #102 was sold to the Oregon & Northwestern where it retained it's original number. It was acquired by the City of Prineville Ry. in September 1968, and renumbered 103. It was retired by the City of Prineville in 1984, and sold to the Kewash Railroad (Keota, LA), in use there as of 3/86.

Larry Russell photo
Sheldon Perry collection
Courtesy Scott Anderson
City of Prineville Railway
Alco HH-1000 #1001

Prineville, OR
Sept. 1, 1963

City of Prineville Railway Alco HH-1000 was built 11/39 as Alco serial number 69147 for the Newburgh & South Shore (Ohio) as their number 1. It was acquired by the COP in 12/54, and was scrapped in 3/65.

City of Prineville Railway
EMD GP9 #985

Near Prineville, OR

GP9 985 is a former Milwaukee Road "GP20" of the same number. Not a true GP20 as built by EMD, but an upgraded GP9 with a 2000hp prime mover.

City of Prineville Railway
EMD GP9 #1837

Prineville, OR

GP9 is ex-BN 1837, nee Great Northern, and is set up to operate long hood forward. It was acquired as a backup unit for the railroads two ex-Milwaukee GP9's, and is rarely, if ever used.

City of Prineville Railway

Prineville, OR

The COP owns these two cabooses, though they are not used in regular service.

The yellow and black 201 is a distinctive "Northeast Style" steel cupola caboose. It was originally Lehigh Valley 95043, built in 1945. This group of Lehigh Valley cabooses is distinctive with their "porthole" end windows.

The numberless red caboose is obviously a former Missouri Pacific caboose, the "buzzsaw" emblem is still visible, it is ex-MP 12117.

There is another ex-Mopac caboose like this on the property, it is located in the Ochoco Lumber Co. mill yard (shut down at the end of July, 2001). It retains some Mopac lettering and road number 12097. It is still there as November 17, 2004, all alone in the deserted mill property.

Thanks to Elvin/Doniphan Branch Ry. for info on the ex-MP cabooses.

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This page was updated on December 20, 2005

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