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Oregon Shortlines

Misc. Oregon Shortlines

John Bauer photo
Idaho, Northern & Pacific
GP7u #2074

La Grande, OR
July 2001

John Bauer photo
Lake County Railroad
EMD GP7 #700
(18604, /53)

Lakeview, OR
August 8, 2004

Originally Nickle Plate Road #436
To Norfolk & Western #2436 in 1964 merger
To Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. (Vail, WA) #776 in 1977
To Chehalis Western (Western Junction, WA) #776 in 1981 or 1982
To Columbia & Cowlitz (Longview, WA) #700 (2nd) in 1989

Acquired by Lake County Railroad in 1998.

John Bauer photo
Longview, Portland & Northern
EMD SW1500 #130
(35582, 12/69)

Portland, OR - on the Peninsula Terminal Co.
Nov. 1999

Acquired new by the LP&N.

The LP&N had three seperate operations: Rye Jct. to Chelatchie, WA (33 miles), Willamina to Grande Ronde, OR, and Gardiner Jct. to Gardiner, OR (3.6 miles). I am not sure which line#130 first saw service on, but I think it may have originally been used on the Chelatchie line, and later transferred to the Gardiner line.

After the LP&N abandoned their Gardiner, OR, line in 1999, #130 spent some time on the Peninsula Terminal Co. in Portland, OR.

Sold in 1999, now at Dow Chemicals (Taft, LA) numbered BDLX 130.

Sheldon Perry photo
ex-Longview, Portland & Northern
SW1500 #130

On the Peninsula Terminal Co.
Portland, OR
August 17, 2000

John Bauer photo
Oregon Eastern
GP7u #2072

Vale, OR
July 2002

Sheldon Perry photo
Willamina & Grand Ronde
Willamina, OR
Dec. 1992

Alco S-2 #110

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This page was updated on July 23, 2006

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