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Oregon, California & Eastern

A Brief History

The OC&E extended 65 miles from Klamath Falls, OR, east to Bly. Construction began in 1922 and was completed to Bly in 1930. It was purchased jointly by the Southern Pacific and Great Northern in 1933, and operated alternately by the two roads for five year periods.

The line was sold to the Weyerhaeuser Company on January 1, 1975, and began independant operation. Weyerhaeuser had an extensive network of logging lines extending north from Sycan, about 50 miles east of Klamath Falls, and both operations were based out of Sycan, where the shops were located.

The OC&E ran its final log train to Klamath Falls on April 29, 1990. Two locomotives were kept in Klamath Falls to switch some local industries, all other equipment was stored at Sycan. On September 10, 1991, all locomotives and rolling stock were moved from Sycan to Klamath Falls, and the line was soon abandoned.

For a complete history of the OC&E, please read the file Twilight for the OC&E by Donovan Gray. This excellent article was published in CTC Board magazine, June, 1990 (Issue #167), and sent to me by Mr. Gray for use here. This is a Rich Text Format file that should be readable by most browsers by clicking on the link. You can also right-click on it and select "Save target as...". It is a pretty long article, you may want to print it and read it in a comfortable chair. Revised file posted 7/30/02.

Modeling the OC&E?

I have never had any plans to model the OC&E or any of it's equipment, but on Jan. 27, 2005, I found TWO sets of no longer available HO scale Herald King decals for the OC&E's MK TE53-1-4E'a and S3-3B slugs at The Whistle Stop in Portland, OR. (Herald King quit producing decals several years ago).

So, now I need to locate one or two Stewart U25B's to kitbash some OC&E units, though I suppose I could kitbash one of the slugs out of an Athearn U28/30/33B. I certainly can't let these decals go to waste!

Oregon, California & Eastern
Baldwin RS-12 #7908

Sycan, OR
May 12, 1980

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
Baldwin RS-12 #207

date & location unknown

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
MK TE53-1-4E #7601

Klamath Falls, OR
June 1979

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
MK TE53-1-4E #7603

date & location unknown

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
MK TE53-1-4E's #7604 and 7605

date & location unknown

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
MK TE53-1-4E #7605

Klamath Falls, OR
June 1982

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
MK S3-3B slug #7606

Sycan, OR?

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
MK S3-3B slug #7607

Sycan, OR?

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
Baldwin RS-12 #7908

Klamath Falls, OR

Sheldon Perry collection
Oregon, California & Eastern
Baldwin RS-12 #7910

Klamath Falls, OR
Sept. 1983


New! Added 7/31/02
New! Added 7/31/02
New! Added 7/31/02
New! Added 7/31/02
Great Northern Geeps
Klamath Falls Yard
Keith Ardinger photo
July? 1969

RSD-12 #2958
Sycan, OR
Keith Ardinger photo
August? 1975

Baldwins on log train
Klamath Falls, OR
Keith Ardinger photo
July 7, 1978

Baldwins on log train
Klamath Falls, OR
Keith Ardinger photo
July 7, 1978

DS-4-4-750 #101
Klamath Falls, OR
Aug. 19, 1995
TE53-1-4E #7604
Klamath Falls, OR
Sept. 1978
Don Hall photo
TE53-1-4E #310
Sycan, OR
Jan. 13, 1984
Jim Bryant photo
Baldwin RS-12 #7908
Sycan, OR
Jan. 13, 1984
Jim Bryant photo
Klamath Falls, OR
Summer 1983
Jim Bryant photo
Klamath Falls, OR
Summer 1983
Jim Bryant photo
Klamath Falls, OR
Summer 1985
Jim Bryant photo
Caboose #2007
Klamath Falls, OR
Summer 1985
Jim Bryant photo

Links to OC&E photos