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Oregon Shortlines

Oregon & Northwestern

A.J. Schill photo
My collection

Oregon & Northwestern
Baldwin AS-616 #2

Hines, OR
May 15, 1980

Photographer unknown
T.J. Coyle collection
Oregon & Northwestern
Baldwin AS-616 #4

Hines, OR
July 1973

O&NW 4 was built in March 1952 (serial number 75449) for the Southern Pacific as the SP's number 5253. In 1963 it was purchased by General Electric for protection power on the Oro DamRailroad (which acquired a fleet of new GE U25C's), but was immediately resold to the McCloud River Railroad in northern California, where it was renumbered 34. In 1969 the McCloud acquired three new EMD SD38's to replace it's remaining Baldwins, and in 1970 the 34 was sold to the O&NW and renumbered 4. After the O&NW was abandoned, in 1990 it became the property of the Feather River Rail Society in Portola, CA, where it is currently on display.

Photographer unknown
T.J. Coyle collection
Oregon & Northwestern
Caboose #300

Hines, OR
July 1973

O&NW caboose 300 is a former Norfolk & Western caboose built in the N&W's Roanoke, Virginia, shops.

This caboose is now located at the Portola Railroad Museum.

In 1975 Westside Model Company imported an HO scale brass model of this caboose, I have a copy of their "G-File" on this model, which has a wealth of information on this distinctive caboose. I have scanned both pages of it:
      G-File No. 57 page 1       G-File No. 57 page 2       Closeup of plans on page 2

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This page was updated on July 23, 2006

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