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Oregon Shortlines

East Portland Traction
Mollala Western
Oregon Pacific Railroad

Sheldon Perry photo
East Portland Traction
EMD SW8 #802
(17160, 4/53)

Milwaukie, OR
Feb. 3, 1996

Acquired in 1995
Ex Lewis & Clark #80
Exx Southern Pacific #1105
Nee Southern Pacific (T&NO) 13

East Portland Traction merged in 1997 into the Oregon Pacific RR, re# 803

John Bauer photo
East Portland Traction (actually now the Oregon Pacific Railroad)
EMD SW8 #802

Milwaukie, OR
Sept. 2004

This is an ex-Lewis & Clark, nee Southern Pacific unit. Note the (deactivated) dynamic brake intakes and fan in front of the cab.

John Bauer photo
Mollala Western
EMD SW8 #801

Mollala River
May 12, 1994

John Bauer photo
Mollala Western
EMD SW8 #801

Canby, OR
Aug. 22, 1993

Sheldon Perry photo
Oregon Pacific
Canby, OR
July 30, 2000

EMD SW8 #803

Sheldon Perry photo
Oregon Pacific
Milwaukie, OR
March 2, 2002

EMD GP9 #1810

Dick Harris photo
Oregon Pacific Railroad (Dick Samuels)
Milwaukie, OR
April 24, 2004

GE 80-ton #101

Ex Pacific Lumber Co same# (Scotia, CA)

Jeff Moore reports:

Pacific Lumber Company had three of these 80-tonners. The two that Dick Samuels owns were purchased new. While the PALCO logging railroad closed in the late 1970's, the company maintained an in-plant switching railroad using the #101and #102 up until somewhere around 1990. The pair were stored in the North Coast Railroad yard in Eureka until late 1994/early 1995, when they were shipped out.

Dick Harris photo
Oregon Pacific Railroad (Dick Samuels)
Milwaukie, OR
April 24, 2004

EMD NW5 #187

Ex BN 987
Nee GN 187

Dick Harris photo
Oregon Pacific Railroad (Dick Samuels)
Milwaukie, OR
April 24, 2004

GE 80-ton? #500

Ex-East Portland Traction 500 (EPTC became OPR in 1997)

Dick Harris photo
Oregon Pacific Railroad (Dick Samuels)
Milwaukie, OR
April 24, 2004

Slug #1010

Acquired in 2002?
Ex SP same#

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This page was updated on July 23, 2006

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