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Keeping Track

The Official Newsletter of the Western Railroaders' Hall of Fame & Museum

Volume 1, Number 1 -- Page 2 of 4


The newest acquisition of Western Railroaders' Hall Of Fame & Museum is No. 838, a 1944 12-ton Plymouth gas locomotive in need of a lot of tender loving care. It sat forlornly for a long time in a storage yard adjacent to the Long Beach Freeway. It was spotted by Gary Hogben on one of his many journeys throughout Southern California, and it was rescued by the Western Railroaders' Hall Of Fame & Museum.

The list of workers scraping, sanding, and priming include Jim and Gary Hogben, Wayne Hallowell, Charley Hepperle, Kristie Andrecht and Ryan Booth.

The decision has been made to primer the little locomotive for now, pending a decision on a suitable paint scheme. Gary Hogben has contacted the Blue Diamond Corporation, its original owner, as to any assistance they may provide us.

Work to erect a decorative steel fence around the Plymouth has now been completed. Western Railroaders' Hall Of Fame & Museum is grateful to Tony Squier, Richard Olsen, Charley Hepperle, Wayne Hallowell, Wally Booth, and Jim and Gary Hogben for their help and support on this project.

Donations towards the restoration of No. 838 are gladly accepted. Please send your donation to:
Western Railroaders' Hall Of Fame & Museum
2533 North Carson St, Ste. 2021
Carson City, NV 89706

From The Dispatchers Office. New Orders

As many of you know, we are no longer looking to become part of an historic transportation museum complex in the San Bernardino Area. As mentioned in our San Francisco PCC article (page 1) we have been in discussions with several groups, including a new group located in the Antelope Valley region of Southern California.

Our fearless(?) leader Jim Hogben has gone and joined the Pacific Bus Museum. He says, "In order to work more closely with them." Indeed, Mike Haddock, driver and P.O.M. (Plain Old Member) helped immensely with the initial move of the trolleys from San Francisco to Southern California (a special thanks to Silk Road Transport). Likewise, Richard Olsen, Pacific Bus Museum Chief Mechanic, provided invaluable assistance in moving the San Francisco MUNI PCC's 1108 and 1160 to the Antelope Valley (a special thanks to Interstate Transport). Stephen Schwarzwald helped organize an Historic Route 66 fund raiser tour (aboard a former Greyhound Scenicruser) along a portion of Route 66 that parallels the Santa Fe line in Southern California. Thanks a million guys! If you're interested in the Pacific Bus Museum, write to:
Pacific Bus Museum
P.O. Box 91
San Anselmo, CA 94979-0091

On The Bulletin Board

Old News/New News:

Jim Hogben is pursuing a lead to acquire a generator set which we have been told could be adapted for use with our two former San Francisco PCCs.

We recently acquired a PCC trolley maintenance manual. However, we still need to acquire a PCC wiring diagram.

Exchange Board

Classified ads per issue 30c per line of 28 letters. Ads 75c per sq. inch. Business cards $5.00. Send check/money order to:
2533 N. Carson St. Suite 2021
Carson City, NV 89706

Collectible Transport theme photos and art on rechargeable Phone Cards. 19c per min. U.S., low foreign rates. $5 ea. 10% of price donated to WRHOF&M. Available for your society too. IERJ Services, 11586 Embree Dr, El Monte, CA 91732-1018. Fax (818)442-1383.

"Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Joel D. Wallach, 1991 Nobel Prize Nominee-Medicine. For free cassette tape call: Jim at (800)448-4145

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No part of this material my be reproduced, stored in a retrival system,
or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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Western Railroaders' Hall of Fame & Museum.

Mr. James G. Hogben

(c) Copyright 1997-2002 Western Railroaders' Hall of Fame & Museum

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