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A division of the
Western Railroaders'
Hall of Fame and Museum

Union Electric Railway Company

Photos courtesy of the Paso Del Norte Streetcar Preservation Society

(no information available)

Coffeyville, KS, #82, gray, 5/46

Shops, Coffeyville, KS, 9/1/46

Independence, KS, #84, 6/4/44

Cherryvale, KS, 8/31/46

Return to
Union Electric page 1

Donations of time and funds are needed to revive the Union Electric

You can help by contacting

Wayne Hallowell
Mid-Western Railroaders' Hall of Fame and Museum
Leatherock Hotel
420 N. Depot
Cherryvale, KS 67335
Ph: 316 336-3350
FAX: 626 442-1383

The Western Railroaders' Hall Of Fame & Museum and Mid-Western Railroaders' Hall Of Fame & Museum provide a way to honor railroaders across the mid- and western part of North America. The purpose is to educate through words and museum experiences about contributions railroaders have made. The emphasis is on those who have helped build and operate railroads in the mid- and western United States, western Canada, and Mexico using interpretive displays of memorabilia and equipment.

All rights are reserved.
No part of this material my be reproduced, stored in a retrival system,
or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise without the written permission of an officer of
Western Railroaders' Hall of Fame & Museum.

Mr. James G. Hogben

Return to the
Western Railroaders'
Hall of Fame and Museum

home page.

(c) Copyright 1999-2002 Western Railroaders' Hall of Fame & Museum

Changes last made on: July 2, 2002

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Support this website by joining the Silver Rails TrainWeb Club for as little as $1 per month. Click here for info.