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I&M Rail Link

IMRL 220 (SD40) and 230 (SD40) in Lawler, Iowa (5/27/01)

382 (SD45-2M) and 8925 (SD45) in Calmar, Iowa (8/00)

611 (SD9) and 607 (SD9) sit in Marquette, Iowa (Summer 2000).

8924 (SD45), 357 (SD45) and CEFX 7106 (SD40-2) in Marquette, Iowa (5/28/01).

8940 (SD45), 231 (SD40), SRY 382 (SD38-2), SRY 383 (SD38-2) and IMRL 113 (GP9) rumble through Fort Atkinson, Iowa (8/01)

CEFX 3048 (GP38-3) pulls an I&M Rail Link train out of the WSOR Yard in Janesville, Wisconsin (3/13/01)

CEFX 3034 (GP38-3) backs out of the WSOR Pearl Street Yard in Janesville while WSOR 1801 sits in the background (5/17/01).

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