03/01/1890 : Northern Pacific Railroad's new Tacoma, Olympia & Chehalis Express goes into service.
03/07/1890 : The Seattle, Montana Railway Company is incorporated.
03/25/1890 : The Seattle Terminal Railway & Elevator Company is incorporated.
05/07/1890 : The Tacoma, Olympia & Grays Harbor Railroad is incorporated by Northern Pacific Railroad interests.
06/14/1890 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Deep Creek to Almira, Washington. (69.6 miles)
06/15/1890 : Northern Pacific Railroad inaugurates its new transcontinental train.
07/20/1890 : A contract is signed to build the Great Northern Railway line from Seattle to Fairhaven, Washington.
07/21/1890 : Northern Pacific Railroad takes control of the Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad.
08/01/1890 : Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad rail lines completed and ready for operation.
08/02/1890 : The United Railroads of Washington are incorporated by Northern Pacific Railroad interests.
10/11/1890 : First Great Northern Railway train enters Ferndale, Washington.
10/28/1890 : Great Northern Railway president James J. Hill arrives for the first time in Seattle, Washington.
11/15/1890 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Hartford to Acme, Washington. (55.7 miles)
12/01/1890 : Fairhaven & Southern Railway tracks reach the international border at Blaine, Washington.
12/10/1890 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Belmont to Farmington, Washington. (6.1 miles)
02/14/1891 : Great Northern Railway's last spike is driven at Blaine, Washington.
03/01/1891 : Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railroad is completed, (23 miles) from Whatcom to Sumas, Washington.
05/01/1891 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Acme to Sumas, Washington. (22.8 miles)
05/01/1891 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Centralia to Porter, Washington. (25.6 miles)
05/01/1891 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Lacey to Lakeview, Washington. (22.4 miles)
06/10/1891 : Olympia & Chehalis Valley Railroad is sold to the Port Townsend Southern Railroad.
08/10/1891 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Gate to Lacey, Washington. (21.0 miles)
09/15/1891 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Pullman Jct., Washington to Howell, Idaho.
10/12/1891 : Great Northern Railway's, Seattle Montana Fairhaven & Southern Branch joined at Stanwood, Washington.
11/27/1891 : Great Northern Railway's first Passenger train leaves Seattle, WA. for South Westminster, B.C.
03/14/1892 : The first Canadian Pacific Railroad passenger service cars arrive in Seattle, WA., over Great Northern tracks from Blaine, Washington.
03/26/1892 : Construction contract for the track laying to the Monte Cristo silver mines awarded to the Henry Balch Co..
04/01/1892 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Snohomish to Everett, Washington. (11.4 miles)
06/01/1892 : The Great Northern Railway mainline reaches Spokane, Washington.
06/06/1892 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Montesano to Ocosta, Washington. (24.6 miles)
08/04/1892 : The Washington & Columbia River Railroad Company is incorporated.
08/13/1892 : Great Northern Railway track crew sets track laying record of over 4 miles of track laid in one day, on its Pacific extension near Harrington, Washington.
08/20/1892 : The Great Northern Railway' first train arrives at Spokane, Washington.
09/23/1892 : The Washington & Columbia River Railway is incorporated.
10/05/1892 : Great Northern Railway tracks reach the mouth of Moses Coulee on the east side of Index, Washington.
10/05/1892 : Property of the Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad is sold to the Washington & Columbia River Railroad.
10/17/1892 : Great Northern Railway tracks reach Wenatchee, Washington.
11/14/1892 : Washington & Columbia River Railroad buys the Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad in foreclosure sale.
01/06/1893 : Great Northern Railway reaches Lowell, Washington.
01/06/1893 : Great Northern Railway's last spike is driven at Scenic, Washington.
01/08/1893 : First Great Northern Railway train over Stevens Pass on switchbacks, arrives in Seattle, Washington.
06/01/1893 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Chehalis to South Bend, Washington. (56.7 miles)
06/18/1893 : Great Northern Railway's first St. Paul, MN. to Seattle, Washington, passenger train departs.
06/22/1893 : Great Northern Railway's first through passenger train, rolls into Seattle, Washington
09/22/1893 : Northern Pacific Railroad operations begin from Harford to Monte Cristo, Washington. (42.4 miles)
01/25/1895 : The Columbia & Red Mountain Railway Company is incorporated.
08/03/1895 : Fire at Sprague, Washington, destroys the town and the Northern Pacific Railroad shops.
03/16/1896 : Northern Pacific Railroad Company is reorganized and becomes the Northern Pacific Railway Company.
05/16/1896 : The Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad ends all operations.
06/19/1896 : The Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad is sold at forclosure sale.
07/25/1896 : The Northern Pacific Railway sells at public auction for 61.5 million dollars.
11/01/1897 : The Union Pacific Railroad is sold at auction for 58.5 million dollars.
11/14/1897 : The Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad is converted to standard gauge track.
03/03/1898 : The Snake River Valley Railroad Company is incorporated.
03/19/1898 : The Kettle River Valley Railroad Company is incorporated.
04/21/1898 : Northern Pacific Railway operations begin from Meeker to Seattle, Washington. (31.0 miles)
05/28/1898 : Operations headquarters for the Great Northern Railway's Cascade Division is moved to the Bayview Hotel in Everett, Washington..
05/31/1898 : The Washington Central Railway Company is incorporated.
06/21/1898 : The Spokane & Palouse Railway file plans to build line from Pullman to Connell, Washington.
11/21/1898 : Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company is incorporated in Washington.
02/21/1899 : Spokane & Palouse Railway property is acquired by the Northern Pacific Railway and becomes the Palouse & Lewiston, Genesee and Farmington branches.
03/06/1899 : The Seattle & Tacoma Electric Railroad Company is incorporated.
03/23/1899 : The Seattle & San Francisco Railway & Navigation Company is formed.
04/11/1899 : The Seattle & Tacoma Railway Company is incorporated.