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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/wtgifs.

Passenger And High Speed Section
Here Is my Passenger section, with some Amtrak 
Talgo models, with the new LAS VEGAS colors

TGV duplex

TGV cab left TGV coach left TGV coach 2 TGV coach mid
TGV coach 1 TGV coach right  TGV cab right   


    Talgo Las Vegas    

engine left transition car left mid coach transition car right engine right
Talgo pacific west
engine left transition car left mid coach transition car right engine right

Fictional SPEEDRAIL fast high speed freight train
Designed as a Individual 5 car articulated car set, This train is like the tgv's but it is uniformal for freight.
The "B" engines are needed in many numbers, currently at 3000 Hp per engine. With A 7500 HP engine in
the works, SPEEDRAIL is tommarows freight train.

SpeedRail engine left SpeedRail engine right
SR transition car left SR transition car right
SR bi level autorack SR boxcar
SR 5 Bay grain hopper SR secondary engine


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