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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/wtgifs.

BNSF... here is my collection of gifs from this fairly new railroad.

 Burlington Northern Santa Fe  

BNSF ex ATSF GP 50 left BNSF ex ATSF GP 50 right
BNSF gp 50 left NEW BNSF gp 50 right NEW
BNSF Trilevel Autorack BNSF Trilevel paint 2
BNSF 60 ft box  BNSF -WFE ref 
BNSF covered hopper BNSF Evans 53' boxcar
BNSF Centerbeam NEW BNSF woodchip NEW
BNSF 4 door hicube NEW    

2000 T Burger

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ad pos62 ad pos64

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