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This page was originally put up as a joke to my daughter. She had been after me for the receipe, so instead of a letter or e-mail I put up a web page.


Take 1# fresh ground pork sausage, NOT Jimmy Dean or any other prepackaged junk, and throw in a mixing bowl. Add a good shake of the following and mix well:

Crushed Sage
Black Pepper
White Pepper, go easy
Lemon Pepper
Crushed Chilies
Granulated Garlic
Seasoning Salt, non MSG
Fennel Seed

Throw sausage mix in skillet. Brown well. DO NOT DRAIN. Divide into 1/3's. Freeze two packets for next time.


1 Large Skillet/Cover
1/3 of Sausage
8 TBS Shortening
8 TBS All Purpose Flour
1 TSP Salt
4 Cups Whole Milk, NOT SKIM STUFF

Throw sausage in skillet with shortening and salt. Heat (medium). Slowly add flour while stiring. Brown mixture. DON'T RUSH IT. When browned, add milk while stiring. Keep stiring while bringing to a boil (medium heat). You do not want any white turds floating around (AKA LUMPS). Turn heat to low and cook for 5 min, still at a low boil and stiring. Cover and turn heat to warm.


Preheat oven to 450º.
1 Medium Bowl
1 Pastry Cutter, fork works also
1 Fork, To stir with
1/3 Cup Shortening
1 3/4 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 TBS Baking Powder
3/4 TSP Salt
3/4 Cup Whole Milk

In bowl combine flour, salt and baking powder. Cut in shortening with pastry cutter or fork. Do this until mixture resembles fine crumbs. This is important. Add milk and stir with fork only until mixed. Do not overwork. It should be in a ball now. If runny, add flour. If not mixed, add touch of milk. Do not overwork. Turn onto floured work surface. Flour hands well. Sprinkle some flour on mix. Roll up dough and knead. Not more than 10 times. What did I just say? Not more than 10 times. If it starts to stick, more flour on hands and board. Roll out to 1/2" or 3/4" thick. Cut with cutter or glass or what ever size you want. Place in un-coated pan. Roll up excess and repeat. Bake in center of oven for 10-12 minute or until brown on top. Enjoy. I ate the whole thing.

Last Update 08/14/02

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