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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/xcrr5375.

Two Coasts. 7,300+ Miles. 9 Days.

1/24 -- Chicago --> NY 959miles
Lakeshore Limited
(arr. an hour late)

Boarding my assigned car was like walking into a wall of heat. This car was HOT! It wasn't too crowded however, and even though attendant threatened that I would have a seat mate, I never did. Thankfully in part because the seat next to me was broken and didn't recline. I spent most of the night speaking to the passenger behind me, and this was by far the most wonderful train encounter I had my entire trip. The heat however was practically unbearable. I was down to my undershirt again. People were complaining. THe rest of the train was fine. I tried to hang out in between cars but was asked to move along by the attendant. I felt it was in my best interests not to protest too much at this juncture, so I returned to my seat. Eventually the heat was corrected and by the middle of the night it became pretty bare able. Nothing really stands out to me about this trip, only some negatives. By the time we arrived in NY just about all the bathrooms were broken. Obviously the heat was a problem and of course we arrived about an hour late. But, I was just happy to be coming home, so this wasn't really much of a bother. And so, at 4:25PM my Amtrak adventure came to a close. I arrived in Penn station to find that I was just in time to catch my train home to Long Island. Thankfully because of the weather and most of the LIRR schedule being cancelled or changed it wasn't too crowded. As I have mentioned there was about 20 inches of snow waiting for me -- such a way to end a trip that took me through so many various weather and time zones!

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