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Amtrak's San Diegan Service

San Luis Obispo -- Santa Barbara -- Los Angeles -- San Diego

For more information on San Diegan service you can also see the Amtrak West web site at:

Weekday schedule effective January 4, 1999.

Click here for weekend schedules.

Notice:Temporary schedule changes to Amtrak California San Diegan rail service north of Los Angeles to San Luis Obispo were implemented January 4, 1999 for track and signal improvements along the route and are expected to be complete by April 1, 1999. For more infrormation contact Amtrak.

See your travel agent, call 1-800-USA-RAIL, or visit for reservations and fare information.


Weekday trains arriving San Diego before 4:00 pm

Train Number                 |  Bus  |  566  |  568  |  X570 |  772  |  574  |  776
Days of operation     | Mile | Daily | Daily | Daily |  M-F  | Daily | Daily | Daily
Paso Robles, CA       |  0 Dp|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Atascadero, CA        | 10 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
San Luis-Cal Poly, CA | 34 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
San Luis Obispo, CA   | 35 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Grover Beach, CA      | 44 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Santa Maria, CA-IHOP  | 52 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Guadalupe-Santa Maria | 60 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Lompoc-Surf Sta, CA   | 86 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Lompoc, CA-Winchells  |102 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.....
Solvang, CA           |134 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Goleta, CA            |146 v |.......|.......|.......|.......|B.6:35a|.......|.......
Santa Barbara, CA     |154 Ar|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Santa Barbara, CA     |  0 Dp|.......|.......|.......|.......|B.6:49a|.......|.......
Carpinteria, CA       | 11 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|B.7:07a|.......|.......
Ventura, CA           | 28 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|B.7:29a|.......|.......
Oxnard, CA            | 37 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.7:43a|.......|.......
Camarillo, CA         | 46 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.7:55a|.......|.......
Thousand Oaks, CA     | 55 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Moorpark, CA          | 56 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.8:07a|.......|.......
Simi Valley, CA       | 67 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.8:28a|.......|.......
Chatsworth, CA        | 75 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.8:42a|.......|.......
Van Nuys, CA          | 85 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.8:55a|.......|.......
Burbank Airport, CA   | 91 | |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.9:04a|.......|.......
Glendale, CA          | 97 v |.......|.......|....M..|....M..|B.9:16a|.......|.......
Los Angeles, CA       |103 Ar|.......|.......|.......|.......|B.9:25a|.......|.......
Los Angeles, CA       |103 Dp|.B2:30a|..6:10a|..7:20a|..8:20a|..9:40a|.11:05a|.12:25p
Fullerton, CA         |129 | |.......|..6:42a|..7:52a|..9:07a|.10:12a|.11:37a|.12:57p
Anaheim, CA-Disneyland|135 | |.......|..6:53a|..8:01a|..9:16a|.10:23a|.11:46a|..1:06p
Santa Ana, CA         |139 | |DB3:20a|..7:02a|..8:10a|..9:26a|.10:34a|.11:55a|..1:15a
Irvine, CA            |149 | |.......|..7:13a|..8:21a|..9:36a|.10:45a|.12:06p|..1:26p
San Juan Capistrano   |161 | |DB3:55a|..7:27a|..8:40a|..9:50a|.10:59a|.12:20p|..1:40p
San Clemente, CA      |169 | |.......|.......|.......|.10:01a|.......|.......|.......
Oceanside, CA         |190 | |DB4:30a|..7:59a|..9:12a|.10:25a|.11:31a|.12:53p|..2:13p
Solana Beach, CA      |207 v |DB4:50a|..8:13a|..9:26a|.10:40a|.11:46a|..1:08p|..2:20p
San Diego, CA         |232 Ar|.B5:15a|..9:00a|.10:05a|.11:25a|.12:25p|..1:50p|..3:10p

B--Amtrak Thruway Bus.
M--Metrolink commuter train connection available.  Separate ticket required.
   Call 800-371-LINK.
T--Service to be announced.
X--Train will not operate 11/26, 12/25, and 1/1.
Weekend schedules--Other Amtrak schedules

Weekday trains arriving San Diego after 4:00 pm

Train Number              |   578  |  X580 |  X782 |  X784 |  X586 |  Bus
Days of operation         |  Daily | Mo-Fr | Mo-Fr | Mo-Fr | Mo-Fr | Daily
Paso Robles, CA       | Dp|........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Atascadero, CA        | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
San Luis-Cal Poly, CA | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
San Luis Obispo, CA   | | |...7:45a|.......|B10:30a|B12:20p|.......|........
Grover Beach, CA      | | |...8:06a|.......|B10:55a|B12:45p|.......|........
Santa Maria, CA-IHOP  | | |...8:23a|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Guadalupe-Santa Maria | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Lompoc, Surf Sta, CA  | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Lompoc, CA-Winchells  | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Solvang, CA           | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Goleta, CA            | | |..10:02a|.......|A.1:40p|A.3:35p|.......|........
Santa Barbara, CA     | Ar|........|.......|B 1:40p|B 3:30p|.......|........
Santa Barbara, CA     | Dp|. 10:18a|.......|A.1:54p|A.3:49p|.......|........
Carpinteria, CA       | | |..10:35a|.......|.......|A.4:07p|.......|........
Ventura, CA           | | |..10:56a|.......|A.2:31p|A.4:28p|.......|........
Oxnard, CA            | | |..11:10a|.......|A.2:45p|A.4:53p|.......|........
Camarillo, CA         | | |........|.......|..2:56p|.......|.......|........
Thousand Oaks, CA     | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
  (Hughes Mkt.)       | | |........|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Moorpark, CA          | | |........|.......|..3:08p|.......|.......|........
Simi Valley, CA       | | |..11:46a|.......|..3:23p|..5:36p|.......|........
Chatsworth, CA        | | |..12:00n|.......|.......|.......|.......|........
Van Nuys, CA          | | |..12:13p|.......|..3:54p|..6:01p|.......|........
Burbank Airport, CA   | | |..12:21p|.......|..4:03p|..6:09p|.......|........
Glendale, CA          | v |. 12:33p|.......|E.4:15p|..6:21p|.......|........
Los Angeles, CA       | Ar|. 12:55p|.......|..4:50p|..6:50p|.......|........
Los Angeles, CA       | Dp|...1:55p|..4:15p|..5:10p|..7:15p|..9:45p|.B11:00p
Fullerton, CA         | | |...2:27p|..4:47p|..5:42p|..7:47p|.10:17p|........
Anaheim, CA-Disneyland| | |...2:37p|.......|.......|..7:56p|.10:26p|........
Santa Ana, CA         | | |...2:47p|..5:03p|..5:57p|..8:05p|.10:35p|DB11:50p
Irvine, CA            | | |...2:59p|...San.|...San.|..8:16p|.10:46p|........
San Juan Capistrano   | | |...3:14p|.Diegan|.Diegan|..8:30p|.11:00p|DB12:25a
San Clemente, CA      | | |........|Express|Express|.......|.......|........
Oceanside, CA         | | |...3:52p|..5:53p|..6:47p|..9:01p|.11:31p|DB.1:05a
Solana Beach, CA      | v |...4:07p|..6:16p|..7:02p|..9:16p|.11:46p|DB.1:25a
San Diego, CA         | Ar|...4:50p|..6:45p|..7:35p|.10:00p|.12:30a|.B.1:55a

A--Bus operates Monday-Thursday.
B--Amtrak Thruway Bus.
D--Stops to discharge passengers only.
E--May operate 5 minutes in advance of time shown.
P--Stops only to receive passengers.
X--Train will not operate 11/26, 12/25, and 1/1.
Weekend schedules--Other Amtrak schedules

Weekday trains departing San Diego before 1:00 pm

Train Number                 |  Bus  |  X769 |  571  |  773  |  575  |  577  |  779  
Days of operation     | Mile | Daily |   M-F | Daily | Daily | Daily | Daily | Daily 
San Diego, CA         |  0 Dp|B.3:35a|..6:15a|..7:10a|..8:10a|..9:25a|.10:30a|.11:55a
Solana Beach, CA      | 26 | |B.3:55a|..6:47a|..7:46a|..8:43a|..9:58a|.11:03a|.12:28p
Oceanside, CA         | 42 | |B.4:25a|..7:02a|..8:00a|..8:58a|.10:13a|.11:18a|.12:43p
San Clemente, CA      | 64 | |.......|..San..|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
San Juan Capistrano   | 71 | |B.5:05a|.Diegan|..8:30a|..9:34a|.10:44a|.11:53a|..1:17p
Irvine, CA            | 83 | |.......|Express|.......|..9:48a|.10:58a|.12:09p|..1:33p
Santa Ana, CA         | 93 | |B.5:40a|..7:50a|..8:51a|..9:59a|.11:09a|.12:20p|..1:44p
Anaheim, CA-Disneyland| 98 | |.......|.......|..8:59a|.10:08a|.11:18a|.12:29p|..1:53p
Fullerton, CA         |103 | |.......|..8:05a|..9:07a|.10:17a|.11:27a|.12:38p|..2:02p
Los Angeles, CA       |129 Ar|B.6:55a|..8:40a|..9:40a|.10:50a|.12:05p|..1:15p|..2:40p
Los Angeles, CA       |129 Dp|.......|..9:00a|.......|.11:05a|.......|.......|..2:55p
Glendale, CA          |135 | |.......|..9:12a|.......|.11:17a|.......|.......|..3:07p
Burbank Airport, CA   |142 | |.......|..9:24a|.......|.11:29a|.......|.......|..3:19p
Van Nuys, CA          |148 | |.......|..9:33a|.......|.11:38a|.......|.......|..3:28p
Chatsworth, CA        |158 | |.......|.......|.......|.11:51a|.......|.......|.......
Simi Valley, CA       |165 | |.......|..9:58a|.......|.12:06p|.......|.......|..3:53p
Moorpark, CA          |176 | |.......|.......|.......|.12:21p|.......|.......|.......
Thousand Oaks, CA     |177 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Camarillo, CA         |186 | |.......|.......|.......|.12:33p|.......|.......|.......
Oxnard, CA            |195 | |.......|A10:33a|.......|A12:45p|.......|.......|..4:26p
Ventura, CA           |205 | |.......|A10:47a|.......|A12:59p|.......|.......|..4:40p
Carpinteria, CA       |221 | |.......|A11:08a|.......|.......|.......|.......|..5:01p
Santa Barbara, CA     |232 Dp|.......|A11:30a|.......|A.1:36p|.......|.......|..5:25p
Santa Barbara, CA     |  0 D |.......|B11:35a|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Goleta, CA            |  8 | |.......|A12:00n|.......|A.2:00p|.......|.......|..5:39p
Solvang, CA           | 46 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Lompoc, CA-Winchells  | 55 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Lompoc-Surf Sta, CA   | 68 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Guadalupe-Santa Maria | 94 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|..7:26p
Santa Maria, CA-IHOP  |102 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Grover Beach, CA      |110 | |.......|B 2:25p|.......|.......|.......|.......|..7:42p
San Luis Obispo, CA   |119 | |.......|B 2:50p|.......|.......|.......|.......|..8:35p
San Luis-Cal Poly, CA |120 | |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Atascadero, CA        |144 v |.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......
Paso Robles, CA       |154 Ar|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......|.......

A--Bus operates Monday-Thursday.
B--Amtrak Thruway Bus.
T--Service to be announced.
X--Train will not operate 11/26, 12/25, and 1/1.
Weekend schedules--Other Amtrak schedules

Weekday trains departing San Diego after 1:00 pm

Train Number              |  581  |  783  |   585  | X587  | X589  |  Bus  
Days of operation      	  | Daily | Daily |  Daily |  M-F  |  M-F  | Daily 
San Diego, CA         | Dp|..1:35p|..3:00p|...4:00p|..5:30p|..8:00p|B10:20p
Solana Beach, CA      | | |..2:08p|..3:33p|...4:33p|..6:23p|..8:33p|B10:45p
Oceanside, CA         | | |..2:23p|..3:52p|...4:52p|..6:38p|..8:48p|B11:15p
San Clemente, CA      | | |.......|..4:15p|........|.......|.......|.......
San Juan Capistrano   | | |..2:54p|..4:25p|   5:28p|..7:28p|..9:19p|B11:55p
Irvine, CA            | | |..3:08p|..4:39p|...5:43p|..7:42p|..9:33p|.......
Santa Ana, CA         | | |..3:19p|..4:50p|...5:54p|..7:53p|..9:44p|B12:30a
Anaheim, CA-Disneyland| | |..3:28p|..4:59p|...6:03p|..8:02p|..9:53p|.......
Fullerton, CA         | | |..3:37p|..5:12p|...6:12p|..8:11p|.10:02p|.......
Los Angeles, CA       | Ar|..4:15p|..5:50p|...6:50p|..8:50p|.10:40p|B.1:30a
Los Angeles, CA       | Dp|.......|F.6:05p|...7:05p|.......|.......|B.1:40a
Glendale, CA          | | |.......|F.6:17p|...7:17p|.......|.......|B.2:00a
Burbank Airport, CA   | | |.......|F.6:29p|...7:29p|.......|.......|.......
Van Nuys, CA          | | |.......|F.6:38p|...7:38p|.......|.......|.......
Chatsworth, CA        | | |.......|.......|...7:55p|.......|.......|.......
Simi Valley, CA       | | |.......|F.7:03p|........|.......|.......|.......
Moorpark, CA          | | |.......|F.7:18p|........|.......|.......|.......
Thousand Oaks, CA     | | |.......|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
  (Hughes Mkt.)       | | |.......|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Camarillo, CA         | | |.......|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Oxnard, CA            | | |.......|F.7:39p|........|.......|.......|.......
Ventura, CA           | | |.......|F.7:58p|........|.......|.......|.......
Carpinteria, CA       | | |.From..|F.8:19p|........|.......|.......|.......
Santa Barbara, CA     | Dp|..779..|F.8:37p|........|.......|.......|.......
Santa Barbara, CA     | D |B 5:35p|B 8:45p|........|.......|.......|.......
Goleta, CA            | | |.......|F.9:00p|........|.......|.......|.......
Solvang, CA           | | |B 6:25p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Lompoc, CA-Winchells  | | |B 6:55p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Lompoc-Surf Sta, CA   | | |.......|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Guadalupe-Santa Maria | | |B 7:15p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Santa Maria, CA-IHOP  | | |B 8:00p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Grover Beach, CA      | | |B 8:25p|B11:35p|........|.......|.......|.......
San Luis Obispo, CA   | | |B 8:50p|B11:50p|........|.......|.......|.......
San Luis-Cal Poly, CA | | |B 9:10p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Atascadero, CA        | v |B 9:30p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......
Paso Robles, CA       | Ar|B 9:50p|.......|........|.......|.......|.......

B--Amtrak Thruway Bus.
C--Guaranteed connection from train to bus at Los Angeles and Chatsworth.
D--Stops to discharge passengers only.
F--Bus operates Monday - Wednesday.
X--Train will not operate 11/26, 12/25, and 1/1.
Weekend schedules--Other Amtrak schedules

Services on San Diegan trains:

Return to schedule index.



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