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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/cemt.
Efficient Mass Transit

Good Reasons to be a CEMT Member! |
a member of Citizen's for Efficient Mass Transit, these are the benefits
you will receive:
- The CEMT quarterly newsletter with lots of the latest
information concerning mass transit in the Charlotte area, plus occasional
flyers concerning transit related events.
- CEMT will act as your pipeline when it comes to mass
transit in the Charlotte area. We will keep you informed of all
the news you need to know and you can let us know your concerns and
opinions on these issues. We plan to print some of these letters
from our members in our quarterly newsletter. Your ideas and concerns
are important to us! You can reach us any way you choose--by mail,
email, phone or fax.
- CEMT plans to have occasional public meetings and all
our members will be invited and encouraged to attend. Some of these
meetings may be in conjunction with other organizations, such as the
Sierra Club, or neighborhood groups, such as homeowners associations,
for example.
- CEMT plans to have members monitoring and participating
in all public meetings directly related to mass transit in the Charlotte
area. This is something we have done in the past and will continue to
do in the future. We will report back to you our findings from attending
those meetings.
- CEMT will continue to fight for the best and most efficient
transit system possible for the Charlotte area. We feel that light rail
must be an important part of any future planning for such a system.
You Can Be a Member....
Membership is $15.00 per year, $10.00 for seniors and students.
Send your check or money order to:
Bob Bischoff, Treasurer
Citizens for Efficient Mass Transit
P.O. Box 35571
Charlotte NC 28235-5571
Compiled 8/6/02
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