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801. Civil, gentlemanly deportment is required of all employes in their dealings with the public, their subordinates and each other. Boisterous, profane or vulgar language is forbidden. Employes must not enter into altercations, play practical jokes, scuffle, or wrestle on property of the Company or while on duty.
Employes are required to report such misconduct, or negligence affecting the railroad's interests, to their superior officer. Any employe subjecting the company to garnishment, attachment, or assignment proceedings involving his wages will be subject to discipline.
802. Employes who are disloyal, dishonest, insubordinate, immoral, quarrelsome, vicious, careless or incompetent, or who willfully neglect their duty, endanger life or property, or who make false statements or conceal facts concerning matters under investigation, are subject to discipline.
803. Undivided attention to duty is essential to safety, efficiency and economy. While on duty, employes must not engage in any activity which will interfere with or distract attention from their work.
804. No employe will absent himself from duty, or engage a substitute to perform his duties without permission from the proper authority. Employes must report for duty at the designated time and place.
Employes subject to call for their tour of duty must not absent themselves from their usual calling place without notice to those required to call them.
Employers must give immediate written notice to proper authority of change in residence or telephone number.
An employe will not engage in any work or other business which will prevent him from obtaining rest or interfere in any way with the performance of his duties for the Company. An employe will not be allowed to do any work for himself or for others during working hours, nor on company property except with the permission of the head of the department in which he is employed.
805. Employes must exercise care and economy in the use of tools, equipment, materials and supplies. Offices, buildings, structures and other premises must be kept in a clean, neat and orderly condition.
806. In case of damage to company property, employes must do everything possible to protect it. When the security of freight or railroad property is involved, it is the duty of employes concerned to see that arrangements are made for protection of such property against theft, loss or damage from other causes.
807. The affairs of the Company must not be disclosed, nor access to the Company's records be permitted, without proper authority.
Information detrimental to the interests of the Company or of its patrons must not be disclosed, except to proper officials of the Company. All information an employe has concerning an accident must be supplied to the proper official of the Company. Such information must not be furnished to the public except by an official of the Company or upon authority from him, but this shall not be construed to prohibit informing an employe who is injured on duty, or his family or duly authorized agent, as to the facts incident to the injury (or death) of such employe.
808. The Company's communication systems must not be used unnecessarily. Letters of a personal nature must not be sent by railroad mail.
809. Employes, when leaving the service, or upon demand by proper authority, must return all property assigned to them or entrusted to their care.
Property of the railroad must not be sold or in any way disposed of without proper authority. All articles of value found on railroad property, whether along right of way, in cars, stations, or on trains, must be cared for and properly reported to the Superintendent.
810. Switch keys will be furnished on authority of the Superintendent, only to such employes whose duties require their use, and will be used only in the performance of their duties. The serial number of switch keys issued must be recorded with the receipt of the employe to whom issued. When switch keys are lost, the fact must be reported with the serial number to the Superintendent. An employer must not make, or have other keys made from any switch key.
811. Employes must, as far as practicable, oberve entire length of passing trains for defects. When two or more employes are available, they will station themselves so both sides of the train can be observed.
Crews must be observant of the condition of their trains and inspect them at frequent intervals while in motion. They will look back frequently to see if track, block signals or roadway structures have been damaged by dragging or protruding objects on their train.
When trains are standing for a sufficient length of time, ground inspection must be made by trainmen from both sides of the train. When two or more employes are available, they will station themselves so both sides of the train can be observed.
Crews must be observant of the condition of their trains and inspect them at frequent intervals while in motion. They will look back frequently to see if track, block signals or roadway structures have been damaged by dragging or protruding objects on their train.
When trains are standing for a sufficient length of time, ground inspection must be made by trainmen from both sides of the train.
Crews observing defects that would endanger the movement of their train, or train on adjacent track, will immediately take such action as will insure safety.
Employes observing defects on passing trains will use radio if available to notify engine or train crew, and in addition the following hand signals must be used:
Brakes Sticking-Hands by day or lantern by night, shoved in sliding motion out from body. | |
Hot journal, sliding or broken wheel, connections dragging, lading shifted or objects protruding over side or end of car, etc.-Stop Signal. |
If entire train has been examined and there are no apparent defects, employes, except crossing watchmen, will give proceed signal.
When meeting or passing trains and stations, or points where employes are working, crews on miving trains must be on the lookout for signals. A trainman must be stationed as near the rear as practicable to give or receive signals.
812. Conductors and Engineers of trains being detoured with pilots are not relieved of responsibility and will cooperate in handling the train in accordance with the standard methods of operation.
813. Special attention must be given to the handling of passenger equipment and every means used to avoid rough handling and annoyance to passengers.
Couplers must be stretched to know that knuckles are locked before coupling air and steam hose. Cars must not be "kicked" or "dropped" into a track on which passenger equipment or camp cars are standing.
814. Employes subject to the "Federal Hours of Service Law" must give the Chief Train Dispatcher sufficient advance notice when it is apparent they will be unable to complete their trip or tour of duty within the lawful period. An employe ordered for duty before his legal rest period has expired must report the fact to proper authority before going on duty.
Train and engine crews, after being on duty twelve hours, must notify the Train Dispatcher from the first open office, the time they will be on duty fourteen hours.
815. No person, except employes in discharge of their duties, will be permitted to ride freight trains, engines, bagge, mail, express, or rear platform of passenger cars without proper authority.
The vestibule doors of all cars must be kept closed except when opened to receive or discharge passengers at stations and by trainmen in performance of their duties.
The end gates of passenger cars must be closed and secured before cars are separated.
816. All concerned will familiarize themselves with handling of cars placarded "EXPLOSIVE", "FLAMMABLE" or "DANGEROUS".
817. Employes whose vision requires the use of glasses, and whose duties necessitate the observance of signal indications or the reading of train orders, must wear them while on duty.
The use of spectacles, goggles, or sun glasses, with colored glass or lens, by employes whose duties necessitate the obervance of signal indications is prohibited unless authorized by the Superintendent.
818. Trains handling mixed freight car and passenger equpment, except freight cars equipped with high speed equalized passenger trucks, steel wheels, steam heat and signal line equipment, will observe the maximum freight train speed and speed restrictions.
The Engineer will be informed of such cars in his train by car inspectors at points where they inspect his train. At other points he will be informed by the COnductor or Yardmaster.
819. Employes using any means of communication in connection with train or motor car movements must statisfy themselves that they are in contact with the proper persons, and must not consider conversations finished until persons taking part are assured that all the conversation has been heard and is understood.
820. Telephone booths, boxes and other devices equipped with switch locks must be kept locked when not in use.
821. Cars should at all times be handled or switched in such a manner that freight in cars or equipment will not be damaged by impact.
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