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900. Train Dispatchers will report to, and receive instructions from the Chief Train Dispatcher.
901. They will issue orders governing the movement of trains, and will see that they are transmitted, recorded and repeated according to the prescribed forms and rules when applicable. They will keep a careful record of the movement of trains, engines and motor cars, noting all important incidents and will make the various records required.
902. They must supervise the movement of trains, anticipating the need for train orders and have them ready when needed, but must not issue orders an unnecessarily long time before they are needed nor at points distant from where they are to be executed, if it can be avoided.
903. Before issuing train order authorizing movement of an extra train, they will enter such train on the train sheet, and carefully examine the train sheet for opposing extra trains and work extras, and before oppsing extra trains are authorized to run, superiority or meeting point must be established by train order.
904. When round-trip order (Form S-G, example (5)) is used, a restricting order placed at a station from which the extra train is authorized to return must not be made complete for a following train until the order has been delivered to the extra train holding the round-trip order.
905. They must not extend the limits or time of a work order, but must annul the order and issue another, as may be necessary under later conditions.
906. Orders restricting the superiority of a train must not be sent to a station where there is any uncertainty as to whether or not such train has passed that station.
907. When issuing orders restricting a train at or near the point of delivery, the conditions of the surroundings, such as location of train order office with respect topassing siding, weather, grade and view, must be taken into consideration.
Where train orders restricting the movement are used and the point of restriction is less than five miles from location where orders are received, trains will be stopped for delievery.
908. They must exercise care in reducing time orders or otherwise advancing the time of trains contrary to information that may have been given to the public or others concerned.
909. They must prevent the delivery of unnecessary orders to a train by annulling such orders after they ahve served their purpose, and must not annul an order to a train or engine, unless such train or engine has received copies of the order annulled.
If an order to be annulled has been delivered, and is still in effect, the annulling order should be addressed to those who received copies of the order being annulled.
910. They must require Operators to report trains promptly and must act properly to protect trains in the event of hazardous conditions, obstructions, or accidents, and give necessary information to all concerned.
911. They must report immediately to the Chief Train Dispatcher any violation of rules, and any irregularity relating ot the movement of trains or the handling and execution of train orders.
912. Each Train Dispatcher going of duty must enter in ink, in the Train Dispatcher's order book, over his signature, a transfer of all orders, Clearance Form A authorities issued per Rule S-241, MofW authorities, instructions that have not been fully executed, and other important or unusual incidents.They must see that all orders and instructions are understood by the relieving Train Dispatcher. The relieving Train Dispatcher must sign the transfer in the presence of the Train Dispatcher being relieved.
913. When trains are diverted against the current of traffic to an open Train Order Office, where no controlled absolute signal is available, and Form D-R order cannot be placed for delivery to opposing trains in advance of arrival at the point of restriction, "Complete" must not be given to this order until the train moving with the current of traffic has been stopped and the Engineer advised of the movement unless opposing trains have received an order requiring them to get Clearance Form A before passing the open office.
When trains are to be diverted against the current of traffic to a point intermediate to an open Train Order Office, trains authorized to move with the current of traffic must be held at the last open Train Order Office except as follows:
(1) | If controlled absolute block signal is available at the intermediate point to control the movement of trains with the current of traffic, trains may be delivered a copy of the order and advanced to the intermediate point. When the controlled signal is less than 5 miles from the point of delivery, the train being restricted must be stopped for delivery unless the order has been double-checked. After the train being diverted has cleared the diversion limits and the train advanced to the intermediate point knows the diverted train is complete, it may then accept the signal indication to proceed with the current of traffic. |
(2) | If controlled absolute block signal is available at the intermediate point and the order cannot be placed for delivery in advance, trains may be diverted against the current of traffic after the train moving with the current of traffic has been stopped at the intermediate point and the Engineer advised of the movement to be made. |
(3) | Where Rule 271 applies on one side of the intermediate point and Rule D-251 applies on the other side of the intermediate point and train order cannot be placed to restrict trains that would otherwise move with the current of traffic out of the 271 territory, the following will govern: |
Trains may be diverted against the current of traffic with the protection afforded by display of STOP indication on absolute block signal in 271 territory at least one block in advance of the intermediate point to which trains are to be diverted. |
When diverting under exceptions (1), (2) or (3), proper blocking devices must be in place to protect movement before Form D-R order is issued and record of protection provided must be recorded in train order book. Train order must not be taken up or blocking devices removed until the Train Dispatcher knows that all diverted trains are complete and clear of the diversion limits except blocking devices may be taken down when exception (1) is used. Track Model Board Indications must not be accepted as assurance that diverted trains are clear of the diversion limits.
Additional General Rules | Rules Governing Train Dispatchers and Operators in Automatic Block Signal and Interlocking Territory |