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950. Controlled absolute block signals (except where otherwise designated) must be kept in STOP position. They must be operated sufficiently in advance of approaching trains or engines to avoid unnecessary delay. To ensure proper route, such signals (unless instructions approved by the Signal Department permit) must not be operated until it is known the route is properly lined. Appliances must be operated carefully and only by those charged with that duty.
Controlled switches, derails and moveable-point frogs must be restored to normal position after movement is completed.
951. When necessary to change the route for which signals have been cleared, and there is a possibility of an approaching train or engine being affected by the change, switches, derails or moveable-point frogs must not be operated nor signals cleared for opposing or conflicting movements until the approaching train or engine has stopped and the Engineer understands the movement to be made.
952. When a train or engine is occupying the Model Board Light Section in which a power-operated, or interlocking switch, derail or movable-point frog is located, no attempt will be made to operate such facility.
953. During storms or any conditions that may affect the operation of power-operated or interlocking switches, good judgement must be used in operating the switches. The Train Dispatcher will notify the employes whose duty it is to patrol and keep the switches clear whenever, in his judgement, such forces are necessary.
954. If there is a derailment or if a power-operated switch, derail or movable-point frog is run through or if any damage occurs to the track or signalling apparatus, the controlled signals and/or switches must be blocked in position to prevent movement over affected track sections. No movement will be permitted until track and signalling facilities have been examined and repaired or properly protected.
955. When notified by Signal Department employe that work will be performed which will interfere with the safe passage of trains or engines, controlled signals and/or switches must be blocked in position to prevent movement over affected track sections. No movement will be permitted until Signal Department employe notifies the Train Dispatcher that work has been completed.
956. If a signal fails to work properly, its operation must be discontinued and the signal blocked to display its most restrictive indication. When controlled by an Operator, it must be reported to the Train Dispatcher. Train Dispatcher must promptly report any unusual operation of signals and appliances to the Signal Department. Unauthorized repairs, alterations or additions must not be made to Interlocking or Control Machines.
957. Where Operating Rules, Motor Car Rules or special instructions require protection to be afforded by the display of STOP indication on controlled absolute signals and/or controlled switches properly positioned to prevent opposing or conflicting movement, the Train Dispatcher must comply with the following instructions:
(1) | On Non-Code Type Control Machines, devices controlling signals and/or switches must be blocked, but indications must first be observed to insure that the controlled functions in the field are in agreement with controlling devices. Where switch levers are provided with Out-of-Correspondence lights, such light must be known to be functioning by manipulation of lever before blocking device is installed. |
(2) | On Code Type Control Machines, devices controlling signals and/or switches must be blocked, but they must first be coded and indications observed to insure that the controlled functions in the field are in agreement with controlling devices. If indication codes are not received indicating that such agreement exists, the controlled functions must not be used to provide protection. Blocking devices must be applied in accordance with instructions approved by the Signal Department. |
(3) | Model Board Indication must not be accepted as assurance that a track section is clear of trains or engines when location of such trains or engines is not known. |
(4) | Train Dispatcher must not use such protection whenever informed that work is being performed that could interfere with the normal functioning of Control Machine or associated code equipment. |
(5) | When protection cannot be afforded as outlined above, train orders may be used. |
(6) | Train Dispatcher and/or Operator must make record of authority issued as required. |
Note. Before issuing verbal authority for those conditions covered by Rule 958 through 964, the Train Dispatcher and Operator, in addition to complying with the requirements of those rules, will maintain records in accordance with "Instructions to Train Dispatchers and Operators Governing Maintenance of Records".
958. Authority To Enter Main Track Where Block Or Interlocking Signal Is Not Provided To Govern Movement As Per Rule 272 Or 605-A. Before authorizing a train or engine to enter or foul a main track or other signalled track or cross over from one such track to another where block or interlocking signal is not provided to govern movement, the Train Dispatcher must know:
(1) | The Absolute Block Section which train or engine is being authorized to enter is clear of conflicting movements, and; |
(2) | The devices controlling signals and/or switches are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to prevent any conflicting movements into such Absolute Block Section. |
959. Authority To Reverse Direction As Per Rule 274. Before authorizing a train or engine to reverse direction, the Train Dispatcher must know:
(1) | There are no following movements between rear of train or engine and the controlled absolute block signal governing movement into the Absolute Block Section in the direction which train or engine has entered, and; |
(2) | The devices controlling signals and/or switches are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to prevent conflicting movements from entering such section. Where intermediate signals are in service, the devices controlling signals and/or switches must be blocked and coded (where code controlled) in both directions to prevent any movements from entering such section. |
960. Authority To Work In Both Directions As Per Rule 275. Before authorizing a train or engine to work in both directions without flag protection, the Train Dispatcher must know:
(1) | The working limits are clear of opposing trains or engines, and; |
(2) | The devices controlling signals and/or switches are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to prevent any conflicting movements into the working limits. |
Should it become necessary to authorize more than one train or engine to work in both directions within the same limits, the authorities must include the requirements that the movements must protect against each other.
Blocking devices must not be removed until Conductor of each train reports clear. Should Conductor fail to report clear, the blocking devices must not be removed even though model board indication shows the limits to be clear.
961. Authority To Pass Stop Signal As Per Rule 509-A Or 607. When absolute block or interlocking signal cannot be changed to display other than STOP indication, before authorizing train or engine to pass such signal, the Train Dispatcher must:
(1) | In APB territory, have control of opposing trains or engines by controlled absolute block or interlocking signal, timetable schedule, train order, contact with Engineer or flag protection. |
(2) | Where Rule 271 or 605 is in effect, know that all devices controlling signals and/or switches are blocked and coded (where code controlled) to prevent conflicting movements into such section. |
(3) | Where signal governs movement over power-operated switches, know that device controlling signal is lined for movement the same as though signal could be displayed to proceed and all such switches are in correspondence with controlling devices. |
(4) | If Control Machine fails to indicate that switches are in correspondence with controlling devices, the Train Dispatcher must instruct Conductor or Engineer to have dual-control switches secured in proper hand-throw position or non-dual-control power-operated switches spiked in proper position before authorizing train or engine to proceed. |
On two or more track sections, the Train Dispatcher will designate the track on which the train or engine is authorized to proceed.
962. Authority To Place Dual-Control Switch In Hand-Throw Position As Per Rule 513(5). Before authorizing employe to place dual-control switch in hand-throw position, the Train Dispatcher must know that there are no opposing trains or engines between the signals governing movement over such switch and the next opposing absolute block signals on either side of such switch location, and that all devices controlling signals and/or switches are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to prevent conflicting movements.
Blocking Devices must not be removed until employe handling switch reports that all movements over switch in hand-operation are completed and switch has been restored to power operation.
963. Authority For MofW Work Train To Occupy Absolute Block Section As Per Rule 275 Or 277. When authorizing MofW work train to occupy working limits to perform work which could result in dirt, sand or other material being deposited on rails, the Train Dispatcher must know that the devices controlling signals and/or switches are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to prevent any conflicting movements into the working limits.
Blocking Devices must not be removed until Conductor of MofW train reports clear. Should Conductor fail to report clear, the blocking devices must not be removed even though model board indication shows the working limits to be clear.
964. Authority For More Than One Train Or Engine To Occupy Same Absolute Block Section As Per Rule 277. Before authorizing more than one train or engine to work independently in the same absolute block section the Train Dispatcher must know that the Conductor or Engineer of each train or engine has acknowledged his understanding that protection must be provided against the other trains or engines.
965. The Train Dispatcher (or Operator where he controls the switches and signals) must not operate the switches when Rule 509-C is to be applied unless he understands the movement to be made, and having lined switches for such rout, must not change them unless specifically requested by a member of crew to do so.
966. When track occupancy light is illuminated for no apparent reason, instructions should be given to trains or engines to proceed at Restricted speed on all tracks through the territory affected until it is known the track is safe for normal operation.
967. Train Dispatchers and Operators must, on Code Type Control Machines, observe that Out-of-Correspondence lights function whenever power-operated or dual-control switches are operated. Should such lights fail to function when switches are operated, or continuous type indication light fail to indicate position of switch, the signal governing movement of such switch must not be lined until it has been determined to which position the switch has moved and blocking device applied to prevent movement of switch from that position.
968. Except where otherwise designated, Train Dispatchers and Operators must not, on Code Type Control Machines, line signals for movement over switches while Out-of-Correspondence light is illuminated. Light must first be extinguished by coding the switch control device in desired position and using RECHECK lever or button in accordance with instructions approved by the Signal Department.
969. Any unusual operation of code equipment, failure of Signal, Switch, Track or Code Indication lights on control machines must be reported to the Supervisor of Signals as soon as practicable.
970. Rusty Rail. When notified that ball of rail is covered with rust or other material that may interfere with the proper shunting of track circuits (and this has been confirmed by the Supervisor of Signals), the Train Dispatcher must know:
(1) | That devices controlling switches and/or signals are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in accordance with instructions of the Supervisor of Signals, in position to prevent the unauthorized use of the track or tracks affected. |
(2) | That before authorizing movement on the track or tracks affected, devices controlling all switches and derails in the route and opposing signals are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to protect the movement. |
(3) | That such movement is entirely clear of affected tracks before blocking devices, installed to protect the movement over the affected tracks, are removed. |
(4) | That, when movement is clear of affected tracks, blocking devices are again applied to prevent unauthorized use of affected tracks. |
Blocking devices, applied to prevent unauthorized use of affected tracks, must be stencilled "Rusty Rail". Model board indication must not be depended upon to indicate that movement is clear of affected tracks.
971. When passing sidings or main tracks are blocked, the Train Dispatcher must record on the train sheet the condition affecting the use of such tracks. Where controlled switches and signals govern entrance to such tracks, the Train Dispatcher must no the devices controlling such facilities are blocked and coded (where code controlled) in position to prevent inadvertent movement into such tracks.
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Train Dispatchers | Engineers | ![]() |