Other "S" Resources

By Craig S. O'Connell

Changes last made on:

September 7, 2014.

"S" Magazines
"S" Listserves
"S" Clubs
"S" Layouts and Websites
Non "S" Sites
Display Cases
Fine "S" Scale Model Railroading

Mike Fyten's Kaw Valley Railroad is based on an old line that ran from Kansas City, KS to Lawrenece, KS. The line was not much more than about 50 miles of track. The original line was a traction line and was called the Kansas City, Kaw Valley and Western. Mike models steam and desiel, so it's not real a prototype layout. The layout is a point to point built for operations, meaning that it takes about 8 guys 3 hours to run the railroad. Mike holds operating sessions about every 6 weeks, using a timetable and train orders to run the layout. Kansas City is becoming one of the leaders in operating layouts. Needless to say that this is a scale layout. Mike uses Kaydee # 802s for coupling.

For more pics of Mike Fyten's Kaw Valley RR CLICK HERE! 


National Association of S Gaugers

NASG S Scale Freight Cars Database


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Stan Stokrocki's NASG award winning S scale Hudson Central RR in Poughkeepsie, NY.



NASG Dispatch - see NASG website above

S Gaugian Magazine--by Heimburger House Publishing Co., serving "S" gauge for the past 35 years. Subscriptions are $32.00 a year in the U.S. and $39.00 outside the U.S.

Heimburger House Publishing Co. also offers a new book by Paul C. Nelson called "A.C. Gilbert's Famous American Flyer Trains." 200 pages, 8 1/2 X 11" hardbound; enameled text paper; black and white photos and 24 pages of color photos. $41.95 and $4.00 shipping. Illinois residents please add 7.75% sales tax.

Heimburger House Publishing Company
7236 West Madison Street
Forest Park, Illinois 60130
Telephone/Fax: (708) 366-1973
E-mail: info@heimburgerhouse.com
Classic Toy Trains Magazine


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Jerry Poniatowski's depot projects in the very early construction stages using Plexiglas®...Jerry used 1/4 inch thick plastic because that's a foot and a half in S scale.  The real depot's walls are even thicker than that, and are made of Michigan limestone quarried a few miles from the town.  It was built in 1886.  There is also a 20 x 40 baggage building on one side and a 40 x 40 freight building on the other side. Jerry plans on carving the block pattern in the plastic with a Dremel, and painting each block individually.  In real life, the walls have about 50 different colors of blocks, so that part will be the fun part.  The roof will be made of Plastruct styrene and windows and doors too. The autos in the pic are 1:64 scale. The engine is an American Models F40PH Amtrak.


S Trains Listserve -- An e-mail listserve for S gauge American Flyer® enthusiasts.

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"S" Gauge Clubs

Connecticut S Gaugers

Atlantic Coast S Gaugers

Badgerland S Gaugers

Baltimore Area American Flyer Club

Bristol S Gaugers

Central Ohio S Gaugers

Cuyahoga Valley S Gauge Association

Lehigh Valley S Gaugers

Miami Valley (OHIO) S Gaugers

Neshaminy Valley AF club

Rochester (NY) Area S Gaugers

Rocky Mountain Hi-Railers of Boise, Idaho

Southeastern Michigan S Gaugers

South Jersey S Gaugers

Members pages: http://www.trainweb.org/sjsg/members/members.htm

View of the South Jersey S Gauger's Modular layout.

Susquehanna S Gaugers


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A modified American Models GP-9/18, now GP-7, by Doug Darlington of the Trinity Express S Scalers in Dallas,TX.



Canadian S Scale Quarterly

Mark Anderson's S Gauge Model RR

Charlie Bettinger's Charlestown & Pattiville S Scale Model Railroad

Chris Burger's "Collecting And Running S Gauge Trains"

Bob Christopherson's S scale standard gauge RR The Columbia Valley & Western "The Short Line"\

Bob Comstock's S Gauge AF Model Railroad layout

Don DeWitt's Layout

Chuck Eral's American Flyer Table Top Layout

Bill Fuhrman's S Gauge Model Railroad

Robert Graves's Gilbert Gallery - AF Trains

Roy Hoffman's S Scale Penn Western Model Railroad

Jim Ingram's Link's Page--Links To Some G & S Scale Sites.

Roy Inman's Union Station Photos Although not S specific this site has some images that might help a person looking for documentation of a project. As you will see on his links page, Roy feature train sites of interest.

S Displays - A listing, by James Ingram, of the S-Gauge Operating Displays that are open to the public.

Steve Kutash's S Scale Modular Layout

Bob LaRiviere's S Gauge Model Railroad

George Leidinger's American Flyer Layout

Mark Family Layout

Jeff Mills's American Flyer Layout

Minnesota Heartland Railroad - contains many good sources of products in other scales that can be used by S gaugers.

S Scale Modular Railroading by Chuck Smith.

Stefan Nilsson's Sn2 Website

Craig O'Connell's S Gauge Model Railroad

Dave Plourde's S Gauge Hirail Model Railroad

Henry Roos' Central Railroad of New Jersey

Pieter Roos' S Scale Pages

Stan Stokrocki's S Scale Model Railroad Layout

Frank Titman's Spiral Hill RR

Paul Yorke's S Gauge Website

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Here is an east bound NKP train at Glen (Carbon) tower. The IC cuts across the NKP here. The Litchfield and Madison (C&NW) paralells the NKP in the foreground.

This is Tom Potthast's S Scale modular layout in Austin, TX. The Cars are from American Models, S Helper Service, and Raisin River Models. The tower is from Building & Structure Co. and is kitbashed. The track is Tomalco flex with handlaid turnouts and diamonds.


The Engine Shop - A website of locomotive paint schemes.

Cardstock Modeling FAQs

All Gauge Page - Fun With Model Railroading

Scale Rails and NMRA Bulletin

6760 Tussing Road, Suite 102
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

Editor: Terry Bacus, Jr.

Walthers Big Trains Catalog includes many S gauge products as well as products for all gauges. 

The Webville & Hypertext RR Co.

Used Back Issues of Magazines & Old RR Books: It's always a good place to pick up specific back issues. And if you buy $20 worth or more, there's no postage charged. Write to Paul Gibson at: Railpub@aol.com
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Bill Greenan Display Cases (HO, O and G), Citrus Heights, CA

Trackside Train Display Cases (Z, N, HO, S and O), Fairview, PA

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Charlie Bettinger's S Scale layout. Charlie is one of many model railroaders who have switched from HO to S. Charlie's S Scale layout was featured in Kalmbach's "Great Model Railroads of 1999"

Photo by Craig O'Connell

Real Life Couplers! -- Want to see a photo of what a real life coupler looks like ? ...and side by side a model knuckle coupler too!

Steam Locomotive Wheel Arrangements

0-4-0 = Switcher
0-6-0 = Six-wheel switcher
0-8-0 = Eight-wheel switcher
0-10-0 = Ten-wheel switcher
2-4-2 = Columbia
2-6-0 = Mogul
2-6-2 = Prairie
2-6-6-2 = Sierra
2-6-6-6 = Allegheny
2-8-0 = Consolidation
2-8-2 = Mikado
2-8-4 = Berkshire
2-8-8-4 = Yellowstone
2-10-0 = Decapod
2-10-2 = Sante Fe
2-20-20-2 = Virginian
2-10-4 = Texas
4-4-0 = American
4-4-2 = Atlantic
4-6-0 = Ten-wheeler
4-6-2 = Pacific
4-6-4 = Hudson (Baltic)
4-6-6-4 = Challenger
4-8-0 = Twelve Wheeler or Mastodon
4-8-2 = Mountain
4-8-4 = Northern, Niagara (NYC), Greenbrier
4-8-8-2 = Cab Forward
4-8-8-4 = Big Boy
4-10-2 = Overland, Southern Pacific
4-12-2 = Union Pacific

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NASG Bernie Thomas Award, 2003


NASG Perles Publications Award, 1997

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