Sources of "S" Track Products and Supplies

By Craig S. O'Connell

Changes last made on

September 25, 2014



S scaler Terry Harrison, a master at trackwork, experiments with creating realistic ties. The track is code .83 front yard track. Terry used hand painted these water based paints, mostly Polly Scale. Says Terry, "I experimented with different base colors on ties. Some have a gray primer base, some a tan, some even have AT&SF silver!! I then washed them with grimy blacks, tans, browns and earth colors. I like it because it absorbs into the wood and brings grain out better." Terry usually doesn't spike all of his ties but since this is an up-close kind of layout he is thinking of doing just that for maximum effect. An exacto knife was used to cut the grain and provide a more realistic appearance. Of course the rails have yet to be weathered, a process that will follow ballasting.

Click on the thumbnails above to view the larger images.



Micro Engineering makes S scale rail in different code sizes. Use this rail if you want to hand lay your own. Spikes also available in small, medium and large. I use the small for S scale.



Tomalco track is owned by Larry Morton. Here's his new contact information:

Tomalco Track
Owner; Larry Morton
289 Orchard Circle
Hendersonville, NC 28739
828-595-0446 cell #
email: tomalco_track@morrisbb.net


Port Lines Hobby Supplies

Doug Peck of Port Lines carries perhaps the most complete assortment of track products in S gauge, from rail to track systems that have been manufactured over the years, including American Flyer, American S Gauge, Gargraves, S Helper Service, American Models, and American Flyer Fastrack from Lionel. They also carry switch machines, roadbed, ties and ballast.

Here are some examples of the American S Gauge Trackage in code .172.

S-54 Remote Control Turnouts - (from February 1, 2007)

S-54 Remote Control Switch ( 27" Radius) Production Sample
All Remote Control Switches will include a 1/3-27" radius curve track extension to complete inner tracks on basic ovals to make double oval layouts, switch machine with 4 sided green/red indicator light, 2 button remote control switch box with lighted green/red Led's for switch position, 5 feet connection wire and switch instructions.


Tom's Turnouts and Trackwork - Tom Stoltz -

I sincerely believe I have developed what we have been calling the 'universal' turnout. I have done what seems like endless testing, development. In my tests, the turnouts are 100% reliable. I receive
letters from some of the people who use my turnouts and it is the same thing - reliable though all modes of operation - Flyer, Hi-rail and scale and scale brass. Some even all in the same train. Many have witnessed this. My turnouts have been reviewed in the S press -- both the Dispatch and the S Gaugian - and again they performed as advertised. -- Tom Stolz


Tom’s Turnouts & Trackwork
37 Kohler Rd
Dresden ME 04342

SPECIAL ORDERS• Code 148 nickel silver or brass weathered rail
• Real wood ties, pre-stained
• Prototypical, all metal open frog
• Continuous closure rails for smooth operation and electrical reliability
• Can be used with ANY S gauge track system
• Sturdy, dependable construction

Check their website for product updates and PRICE LIST.


Custom Trax - offering S scale code .100 flextrack and #4, #6 and #8 turnouts. Custom Trax is a completely assembled and ballasted track roadbed system that offers you a full line of track and turnouts for S Scale. It comes ready to install and features nickel silver rail on stained and weathered hardwood ties, all mounted on flexible roadbed that is fully ballasted.

Custom Trax • PO Box 581 • Indianola, IA 50125
Phone: 515-961-4108 • Fax: 515-961-4108 • E-mail: ctrax@mac.comhttp://www.custmtrax.com.

S Trax - FLEXTRACK! --


The S Trax System


S Trax System New Items - Click on the thumbnails below to see the larger image.


40" length and includes rail joiners.


This track system is code .125 (155# prototype) designed to accomodate both scale and hirail (including American Flyer®) equipment. The system comes with gray-colored beveled roadbed, weathered nickel silver rail (for excellent conductivity), accurate tie spacing using PRR prototype. This is a snap-track system with rail joiners in 10" and 15" straight sections and 19" radius curved sections with realistic T-rail. Turnouts will be available to match the track sections.

Available are rail joiners that will mate the S Trax system with American Flyer® track. This will allow the American Flyer® modeler to use AF® switches, the AF 90° crossing or AF® track sections with uncouplers or track trips with the S Trax system.

Photo by Bob Werre of the new "S Trax" available from S.H.S. in October, 1998!


American Models code .148 flextrack is shown here in this photo of my layout.

American Models, 10087 Colonial Industrial Drive, South Lyon, MI 48178; PHONE # IS 810-437 6800, FAX IS 248-437-9454 -- Manufactures brass code .148 flex and sectional track.

Track products from American Models.

American Models offers 27" radius turnouts that come with throw bars, installed hand throws or powered with push button and wire. The one at left is a RH 27" Radius w/ hand throw installed.

American Models announced their new 75 degree crossings. See photo on their website.

The photo at left shows the American Models powered turnout kit which includes the push button and wire assembly.


Scenery Unlimited, 7236 W. Madison St., Forest Park, IL 60130; 708-366-7763 -- distributors for Shinohara S scale code 100 flextrack and Sn3 code 70 flextrack in nickel silver. S scale code 100 #6 and #8 turnouts and Sn3 code 70 #6 turnouts also available.



 Fast Tracks offering turnout assembly jigs for those who wish to make their own turnouts, custom turnout jigs, tie templates, PCB board ties slots for soldering the rails to and more..

Railroad Ties for S Scale--S Scale lumber made by Kappler Mill & Lumber. Co. (now under new ownership) Kappler makes a fine selection of S Scale lumber including railroad ties in standard S and narrow gauge S sizes. S Scale Ties include the standard KP00SS86-S 8'6" cross ties and the KP00SS16-S 16' Switch Ties. I've used these for years and highly recommend them!!!

Order direct at:

Kappler Mill & Lumber Company
8908 108th St. N.E.
Arlington, WA 98223
Toll free: (888) 811-1011
Fax: (360) 651-0428

HomaBed Roadbed by Richard Jayne 

California Roadbed Co., Inc.
3568 Balls Ferry Road
Cottonwood, CA 96022
Phone # 530-347-9783
Fax # 530-347-9796
E-Mail calroadbedcoinc@yahoo.com

"The finest model railroad roadbed on the market".

This is a product that has been used for years by the CT S Gaugers on their modular layouts. It's easy to work with and deadens the sound but you still get that clickety-clack effect. I highly recommend this product and use it on my own home layout. Be sure to paint all sides of the homasote to seal it from moisture.


Tomar Industries. Track Bumpers. Item S-808. They come with a very short section of Tomalco track. Also Hayes wheel stops - Item S-803.

Tomar Industries
9520 E. Napier Avenue
Benton Harbor, MI 49022.


Mt. Albert Scale Lumber Co. -- sells S scale lumber and S scale ties, including bridge, trestle and contour ties.


Code 55 40 lb. narrow gauge yard and siding

70 65 lb. narrow gauge mainline, std gauge yard and siding

83 85 lb. standard gauge yard and siding

100 110 lb. branch line or modern yard and siding

125 155 lb. modern mainline


Ross Custom Switches - P.O. Box 110, North Stonington, CT. 06359;

Motorized Turntable from Port Lines Hobbies comes welded-steel, pre-built, RTR, and motorized.

Railway Engineering-- will make you any type of turnout or special trackage you want.

Railway Engineering,
5750 Robinson Creek Rd.,
Ukiah, CA 95482

Railway Engineering has been making turnouts for 45 years. They are available with or without wood ties installed. All-ready pregauged on pc ties. There are no bars to remove.... simply install.

RAILBED from Scenery Unlimited, a dark colored 3-foot sectional beveled roadbed. Advertised at $36.95/case (25 pair, each 3 foot long) plus $8.00 s & h. IL residents add 7.75% sales tax.

Scenery Unlimited also distributes K-Line S gauge sectional track and rubber roadbed for the American Flyer® enthusiasts.

Gargraves Trackage Co. -- Makes flexible track in stainless steel or tinplate rails. All flexible trackage features stained bass wood ties.

S gauge turnout from Gargraves.

Gargraves Trackage Co., Dept. S
8967 Ridge Road, North Rose, NY 14516-9793
phone 315-483-6577
fax 315-483-2425


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