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GSR Rule Book - 1933

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Residence, Discipline, Trading.

1. (a) All employees must reside at whatever places may be appointed, attend at such hours as may be required, pay prompt obedience to persons placed in authority over them, conform to all the Rules and Regulations of the Company, and apart from the Company's business must not engage in trade.

Observance of Rules and Regulations.

(b) Every employee must assist in carrying out the Rules and Regulations, and must immediately report to his superior officer any infingement thereof, or any occurrence which may come under his notice affecting safe and proper working.


(c) The name and aaddress of each employee must be recorded at the station to which he is attached, and any change of address must be at once notified.


(d) Employees holding situations of trust may be required to find security for their faithful services; the conditions of such security will be stated upon appointment.


(e) Employees of the Company may be required to join any fund or Society established by the Company for the benefit of its staff.


(f) Employees may, from time to time, be rquired to undergo medical, eyesight, practical or educational examinations in accordance with the regulations in force.

Leaving service.

(g) An employee must not leave the service of the Company without giving the notice required by the terms of his employment.

(h) When an employee leaves the service he must immediately deliver up his uniform and all other articles belonging to the Company. Any pay due to any employee leaving the service will not be paid until the uniform and all other articles the porperty of the Company, supplied to him, shall have been delivered up or satisfactorily accounted for. If any article be not delivered up, be missing, or be damaged by improper use, the value of such article, or the cost of the repair of such damage, shall be a debt due from the employee to the Company, and may (subject to the provisions of the Trick Acts) be deducted from any pay then due, or, if such pay be found insufficient to meet the claim, will become a debt recoverable at law.

2. Employees MUST--

Safety of public.

(i.) see that the safety of the public is their chief care under all circumstances

Conduct of employees

(ii.) be prompt, civil and obliging, afford every proper facility for the Company's business, give correct information, and, when asked, give their names or numbers without hesitation.

Personal appearance.

(iii.) when on duty be neat in appearance, and, where supplied, wear uniform, number and badge.

Damage of articles.

(iv.) if required, make good any article provided by the Company when damaged by improper use on their part.

3. Employees MUST NOT--

Absence from or exhange of duty.

(i.) absent themselves from or exchange duty, or alter appointed hours of attendance, without permission from their superior officers. In case of illness the employee concerned must immediately advise his superior officer, and furnish a medical certificate in accordance with the regulations. In the event of a Station Master having to absent himself through illness, he must arrange for a competent employee to take up his duties temporarily.


(ii.) solicit gratuities.

Appropriating Company's property.

(iii.) appropriate to their own use any property of the Company.

Waste of stores.

(iv.) waste or wantonly destroy stationery, stores, or any other property of the Company.


(v.) consume intoxicating liquor while on duty.

Left luggage.

(vi.) take charge of luggage or articles left at the station for convenience of passengers or others; such luggage or articles must be deposited in the cloak room.

Misconduct punishable.

4. The Company may at any time--

(i.) dismiss without notice, or

(ii.) suspend from duty and, after enquiry, dismiss without notice, or

(iii.) suspend from duty as a disciplinary measure an employee of the Company for any one or more of the following offences, viz. :--

(a) drunkenness,
(b) disobedience of orders,
(c) misconduct or negligence,
(d) absence from duty without leave,

An employee so dismissed forfeits any right to notice and also any right to wages for any period subsequent to the completed week preceding his dismissal, or preceding his suspension from duty prior to discmissal as the case may be.

An employee suspended from duty pending enquiry and not exonerated, if not dismissed, may as part of the punishment awarded be deprived of any or all of the wages accruing to him in respect of the period subsequent to the completed week preceding his suspension and in respect of the period of his suspension as to the Company may seem just and resonable.

An employee suspended from duty as a disciplinary measure forfeits any right to wages for the period susbsequent tot he completed week preceding his suspension, and for the period of his suspension.


5. The Company reserve the right to deduct from the pay of an employee, who is a tenant of the Company, any sums due for rent.


6. Testimonials, except those addressed to the Company or their officers, will, if required, be returned at the time the employee whom they concern leaves the service.

Rules and notices--to whom supplied.

7. (a) Every employee connected with the operative working of the railway or engaged on the permanent-way, or on works affecting the running lines, must be supplied with, have with him when on duty, and produce when required, a copy of these Rules.

(b) Except as shown below, every employee connected with the operative working of the railway or engaged on the permanent-way, or on works affecting the running lines, must also be sipplied with, and have with him when on duty, a current copy of the working time-table (or section of the book), of the appendix thereto, and of any signalling, permanent-way or special train notices; a copy of each must also be kept in the Station Master's office.


(i.) SIGNALMEN.--One copy only of each document may be supplied to each signal box for the use of the staff employed therein.

(ii.) STATION STAFF.--One copy only of each document may be supplied to the Station Master's office or other convenient place for the use of the employees concerned.

(iii.) FIREMEN NOT PASSED TO ACT AS DRIVERS.--Need not be supplied with the working time-table or other notices, but to have access to those supplied to their Drivers.


Responsibility for supply of notices.

(c) Persons in charge of locomotive or running depots, and Station Masters, are respectively responsible for a copy of every notice of signal, permanent-way and other alterations affecting the running of trains, being suplied, as soon as possible after receipt, to each Driver, Fireman passed to act as Driver, Guard and Porter Guard working over the line affected by the notice, and for his signature for the same being taken in the book or other document provided for the purpose, which must be available for reference when required.

Notices to be obtained.

(d) Drivers, Passed Firemen and Guards must obtain all necessary notices as to the signalling and general working of the line.

Where trains run over other Companies' lines.

(e) Where the trains of one Company run over the lines of other Companies, it is not necessary to supply the working time-table, appendix thereto, and special train notices of the Company owning the line to the runiing Company;s employees concerned, but they must be supplied with any special instructions affecting the wokring of that portion of the line over which the trains pass.

(c) NOTE--Employees other than those referred to in Rule 7 are to be supplied with the necessary extracts from the rules.

Lost copies of Rules, &c., to be replaced.

8. If any employee lose his copy of the Rules, working time-table, appendix thereto, or other document of which the regulations require that he should be in possission, he must immediately obtain another copy from his superior officer.

Travelling without pass or ticket forbidden.
Riding of engine, &c., without special authority forbidden.

9. (a) Persons must not be allowed to travel unless provided with a proper ticket of free pass; and employees must not be allowed, unless in the execution of their duty, to ride on the engine, or in the Driver's compartment of any train, or in the brake van, or luggage van, or in the scrtion of any vehicle, in which luggage or parcels not in charge of passengers are conveyed, without written or printed permission from a properly authorized officer.

Persons not to travel by goods train without special authority.

(b) Except persons provided with proper tickets travelling in charge of live stock, no person, other than any employee in the execution of his duty, must be allowed to travel by a goods train, unless he holds a pass or ticket, and special quthority from a properly authorised officer.

Unclaimed luggage, &c.

10. All lost or unclaimed merchandise, luggage, moneys or other property whatsoever found by any employee of the Company in or upon their railways, stations, works or premises or in or upon any carriage, wagon or vehicle on their railway, or any vessel of the Company shall--as between the Company and such employee--be deemed to have been left in the possession of the Company and shall immediately be handed over by the employee to the person in charge of the Company's nearest station or to the Master of their vessel. The employee so finding such property shall not have or be deemed to have any right to such property or interest therein.

Employees not to expose themselves to danger.

11. (a) No employee shall expose himself to danger, and he must prevent as far as possible such exposure on the part of other employees, and spare no opporunity of warning those who neglect to take proper care.

(b) Employees whose duties compel them to be on or about the lines of railway must, when possible, face the traffic, and when moving from one part of the parmanent-way to another be carefule to avoid trains travelling in either direction; they must also look in each direction before crossing the line.

(c) Reckless exposure of himself or others to danget, on the part of any employee, is an offence against the Company's regulations, and will be punished accordingly.

Getting between vehicles to couple or uncouple them.

12. (a) Employees must exercise proper care in getting between vehicles for the purpose of coupling or uncoupling them and shunting poles must be used when practicable.

Use of shunting poles.

(b) No attempt must be made to throw the link over the drawbar hook by means of a shunting pole until the buffers have actually touched.

Vehicles with communicating gangways.

(c) Employees must not go between behicles or engines, or between a vehicle and an engine, in any case where a gangway or gangways interpose, to couple or uncouple until the vehicles or engines are at rest.

Employees must not remain between vehicles or engines, or between a vehicle and an engine, when a gangway or gangways interpose, during an "easing up" movement, but must stand clear of such vehicles or engines until they are at rest.

Coaching stock with short buffers.

(d) Employees must not go between coaching stock vehicles fitted with short buffers until the vehicles are at rest.

Stock fitted with automatic couplings.

(e) Employees must not go between vehicles fitted with automatic couplings, except for the purpose of dealing with brake pipes and heater pipes, and this must not be done until the vehicles are at rest.

Coaching stock without communicating gangways.

(f) Employees must not go between two coaching stock vehicles without communicating gangways before they come together, except when this can be done with safety.

Goods wagons with screw couplings.

(g) Employees must , whenever possible, gouple goods wagons fitted with screw couplings by means of a shunting pole, and must not go between the wagons in order to screw the couplings up until the vehicles are at rest.

When it is not possible to couple these behicles by means of a shunting pole, employees must not go between the vehicles to couple up until they are at rest.

Goods wagons with link couplings.

(h) Goods wagons fitted with link couplings must be coupled or uncoulpled with a shunting pole, and employees must not, except where absolutely necessary, go between the buffers. In cases where this cannot be avoided, they must wait until the wagons areat rest.

Double coupling of wagons.

(i) When double coupling of wagons has to be resorted to, the vehicles must be at rest before being coupled or uncoupled.

Meeting Trains at stations.

13. (a) When a train is entering a station, employees attending on passengers must stand a few yards apart, a short distance from the edge of the platform, until the train has stopped, and then attend first to the compartments opposite to them.

Not to get on steps or footboards.

(b) Employees must not run alongside, or get on the steps or footboards, of trains entering stations.


14. (a) Persons, other than employees in the execution of their duty, must not be allowed to be, or walk, upon the railway, unless provided with written or printed permission to do so, signed by a properly authorised officer.

(b) Unless instructions are issued to the contrary, any person trespassing must be requested to leave the Company's premises, and must be warned not to go or pass thereon again. If such persons refuse to quit, he must be requested to bive his name and address, which must be handed to the nearest Station Master or other superior officer with a report of the circumstances. In the event of the offender refusing his name and address, he must be detained and given in charge of the Police.

15. Employees are expressly prohibited from walking upon the line or crossing the rails (except at a pyublic level crossing) unless they are required to do so in the execution of their duty or are proceeding to or from their work by a route permitted by the Company. Any employee walking upon the line or crossing the rails, except as aforesaid, will be acting outside his employment.


16. Except where otherwise provided the --

Term. Includes.
Ballast Train Engineers' materials train.
Driver Motorman.
Electric token Electric staff, tablet or key token.
Engine Electric or other locomotive.
Fireman Assistant Motorman.
Goods train All trains not composed of coaching stock.
Multiple-aspect signal. Three-aspect colour light signal, or three-position semaphore signal, or colour light signal having more than three aspects.
Passenger Train Mixed train, i.e., train conveying passengers and goods.
Speaking Instrument Telegraph or telephone.
Station Depot, yard or halt.
Station Master Yard Master, Inspector or other person in charge of a station, depot or yard.
Train Light engine, i.e., engine without a train.


(i.) Where women or juniors are employed the Rules and Regulations apply to them as to men.

(ii.) References to the lowering of fixed signals also cover the placing otherwise than by lowering (e.g., by raising) of such signals to the Clear position or aspect and, in the case of multiple-aspect signals, to the Caution position or aspect

References to the placing or maintaining of fixed signals at Danger also cover the placing or maintaining of distant signals at Caution.

(iii.) The term "stop signal" refers to a home, starting or an advanced starting signal.

(iv.) When the term "signal box" is used it applies to a signal box which is open unless otherwise indicated. 2002.07.14
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