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GSR Rule Book - 1933







1st January, 1933.



At a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the

Great Southern Railways Company, held at Kings-

bridge Station, on the 2nd day of September, 1932.



"That the following Rules be and are hereby

"approved and adopted for observance by the

"employees of the Great Southern Railways

"Company, from the 1st January, 1933, and

"that all former Rules which are inconsistent

"therewith or are made obsolete thereby be and

"are hereby cancelled."

By Order,


General Manager



THESE RULES have been agreed to generally by the Companies parties to the Railway Clearing System, and apply -- except where a note to the contrary is shown and subject to modifications which will be given -- to the Great Sourthern Railways Company's undertaking, whether in respect of their own engines, trains, and employees, or those of other Companies running over their line. The employees of the Great Sourthen Railways Company working over the lines of other Companies will be bound by these Rules, and such modifications thereof as may be issued from time to time, and where the Company owning the line have any exceptional or additional Rules and Regulations, they will also be bound by the exceptional or additional Rules and Regulations of that Company.

Each employee supplied with this book must make himself acquainted with, and will be held responsible for the observance of, the following Rules.





1-16 General
17-33 Control and working of stations
34-493 Fixed signals
50-54 Hand signals
55 Detention of trains on running lines
56-60 Detonators
61-76 Working of points and signals
77-80 Fixing, removing or repairing signals or apparatus for working signals and poitns
81-83 Defective signals, points, &c.
84-95 Signalling during fog or falling snow
96-98 Stations yard working
99-107 Level crossings
108-118 Shunting
119-125 Head, tail and side lamps
126-176 Working of trains
177 Reporting of accidents
178-188 Trains stopped by accident, failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause
189-208 Working traffic of a double line over a single line of rails during repairs or obstruction
209-239 Permanent-way and works
240 Conveyance by goods trains of explosives and dangerous goods 2002.07.14
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