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GSR Rule Book - 1933




189. When the traffic of a double line has to be worked over a single line of rails during repairs or owing to an obstruction, the following precautions must be adopted.

Limit of single line working.

190. Single line working should be confined to the shortest length practicable and, whenever possible, between crossover roads where there are fixed signals, but in the event of a crossover road not protected by fixed signals being used the provisions of Rule 199 must be observed.

Appointment of Pilotman.

Pilotman's armlet.

191. A competent person must be appointed as Pilotman, who must wear round his left arm above the elbow, a red armlet with the word "Pilotman" shown thereon in white letters, thus :--


If this armlet is not immediately available the Pilotman must wear a red flag in the position indicated until the proper armlet is obtained.

Pilotman to be present.

192. Except as provided in Rule 200, clause (f), and in the first paragraph of Rule 206, no train must be allowed to enter upon or foul any portion of the signle line without the Pilotman being present and riding upon the engine, except when a train is to be followed by one or more trains in the same direction, in which case the Pilotman must personally order each train to proceed and must ride upon the engine of the last train. When an engine supplied specially for the use of the Pilotman is coupled ot a train it must be attached to the front unless it is necessary for such engine to be used for banking purposes where the use of bank engines is authorised. If the Pilotman travels on a train with two or more engines he must ride upon the rearmost engine. If the Pilotman travels on an electric train, rail motor or motor train he must ride with the Driver.

The Pilotman must show himself on each occasion to the SIgnalman at each box he passes, to the Handlsignalman at catch and other points and to Fogsignalmen when on duty.

Arrangements for Pilot-working.

193. (a) The Station Masters or other responsible persons at both ends of the obstructed section must communicate with each other by the most expeditious means, agree as to who shall arrange for pilot-working, and have a clear understanding as to the arrangements to be put into operation.

(b) It will generally be found more expeditious for the Station Master or other responsible person in advance of the obstruction to undertake the arrangements, as the Pilotman with the signle line forms can then make his first journey by train or trolley, if either is available, on the proper running line. Under no circumstances must a train or trolley be allowed to run over the unobstructed line in the wrong direction until the Pilotman's form is signed by the Signalman at each end of the single line section, and also at any intermediate signal box.

Issue of forms.

(c) The person arranging single line working must fill up, sign, and address single line forms (see page 177 for specimen form) to --


The Signalmen controlling the crossover roads between which single line working is to be put in operation.


The Signalman at any signal box and the Station Master at any station that is intermediate on the line which is to be worked as a single line, provided such signal box or station is open or likely to be open during the time single line working is in operation.


The person who will act as Pilotman.


The Station Master at each end of the single line, except where the signal box at which single line working commences or finished is not at a station and the ordinary working at the station will not be interfered with.

These forms must be handed to the Pilotman who must also sign all the forms issued and deliver the necessary form to the Signalman in charge of the crossover road at which the wingle line working commences and then proceed to the other end of the section. The Pilotman on his way must verbally inform persons in charge of level crossings, Gangers, Platelayers and any other men at work on the line, that single line working is about to be commenced and which line will be used; he must also leave the necessary form with the person in charge of any intermediate signal box or station then open. On his arrival at the other end of the single line section the Pilotman must deliver the necessary forms to the Station Master and Signalman. Each person when receiving the form must sign the Pilotman's form. Trains may then be allowed to pass over the signle line by the permission and under the control of the Pilotman.

Where the crossover road at each end of the line to be worked as a single line is under the control of one Signalman, these instruction kust be observed, except that the signle line form will be issued to the Signalman concerned.

When a Station Master himself acts as Pilotman he must retain only the Pilotman's form, and unless his station comes within the exception mentioned in section (iv.) of this clause (c), he must address and vgive a form to the person he leaves in charge of his station.

Should any intermediate signal boxes or stations be opened after single line working has commenced, the Pilotman must, as soon as practicable, advise the persons in charge of such places that single line working is in operation. He must also hand forms signed by the person who arranged the single line working and himself, to the Signalmen and Station Masters concerned, who must sign the form held by the Pilotman.


(d) Station Masters and persons in charge issuing and receiving single line forms will be responsible for the Inspectors, Signalmen, and others concerned at their station being made acquainted with the circumstances immediately, and instructed in their necessary duties.

Twelve single line forms must be kept in a convenient place at each station, and at every signal box where there is a crossover road, so as to be available at any time.

Protection -- detonators and Fogsignalmen.

194. (a) At each end of the obstructed line 3 detonators must be placed on such line 10 yards apart, ¼ mile, or more if necessary, from the point where single line working commences (see diagram on pages 160 and 161). When however, the distance from the obstruction to the point where single line working commences is less than ¼ mile, the detonators must be placed as far from the obstruction as circumstances permit.


Signals to be kept at Danger -- Nos. 3, 5, 8.

Signals to be kept at Caution -- Nos. 1, 4, 7.

Signals to be worked, where possible -- Nos. 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12.

NOTE. -- No. 2 must be kept at Danger where No. 3 is not provided.

Signal No. 4 to be fogged on wrong line during fog or falling snow.

Box A. -- Down trains to be accepted in accordance with Block Regulation 4 or 5 (see Rule 200, clause (b)), and Up trains under Block Regulation 4, 5, or 25 (a/iii) (see Rule 200, clauses (b) and (e)).

Box B. -- Down trains to be accepted under Block Regulation 4 or 25 (a/iii) and Up trains under Block Regulation 5 (see Rule 200, clause (a)), or Block Regulation 4 (see Rule 200, clause (c)).

(b) A red flag by day, and a red light after sunset or during fog or falling snow must also be placed on the obstructed line near to the detonators. When lights are used these must show a Danger signal towards both the obstruction and the crossover road.

(c) During fog or falling snow a Fogsignalman must, whenever possible, be provided at the distant signal for the obstructed line operated from the box at which the trains are crossed to their proper line and he must place a detonator for each train travelling in the wrong direction on the line which is being used as a single line, opposite the distant signal and exhibit a hand Caution signal, in order that Drivers approaching the facing crossover road may be advised of their position. The Pilotman must instruct the Fogisgnalman accordingly. Until a Fogsignalman is stationed at this signal the Pilotman must specially wan all Drivers that the Fogsignalman has not taken up duty.

If a fog or snowstorm occurs when single line working is in operation, the Signalman must, when this Fogsignalman commences duty, inform him of the single line working, and instruct him to act in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

The Signalman at any intermediate signal box must instruct the Fogsignalmen, where employed, to place the detonators on the line being used as a single line for trains running in the direction to which the signal applies.

Points which become facing points.

195. (a) All points, including spring points and unworked trailing points, which become faacing poitns to trains running over the single line, must be secured so as to ensure trains passing safely over them. In the case of spring points and unworked trailing points, the person instituting single line working must arrange for a competent man to be appointed to hand-signal trains over them.

(b) The person instituting the single line working must arrange for all catch points in the single line to be closed and firmly secured before single line working is commenced. He must also arrange for a man, provided with hand signals and detonators, to be placed at such points with instructions to see that they are continuously kept closed and secured during the whole of the time that single line working is in operation.

Catch points, spring points or unworked trailing points.

196. (a) When a train is approaching catch points, spring points or unworked trailing points in the facing direction, the man at the points must, provided they are right for the train to pass over them, give the Driver a green hand signal held steadily.

(b) The Pilotman must satisfy himself that the Driver is aware of the location of these points, and Drivers must not pass over any of them in the facing direction until they have received a signal to do so from the man at the points.

Working of fixed signals.

197. (a) The following signals must be kept at Danger and Drivers must not pas them except as shown :--


(i.) The signal immediately controlling the entrance to the single line for trains travelling in the right direction.

When instructed by Pilotman.

(ii.) The signal immediately protecting the crossover road where trains cross from the single line to their proper line of rails.

When instructed by Signalman; or by Pilotman or Handsignalman under the authority of the Signalman.

(iii.) The signal controlling the entrance to the obstructed line where such signal is situated ahead of the crossover road at which trains are crossed from the right line to proceed along the single line.

When instructed by Signalman (or by Pilotman or Handsignalman under the authority of the Signalman) to draw ahead on to the obstructed line.

When instructed by Pilotman to proceed along single line in wrong direction.

(iv.) The signal controlling the entrance to the obstructed line where such signal is situated in rear of the crossover road at which trains are crossed from the right line to proceed along the single line and there is not another stop signal in advance.

When instructed by Signalman; or by Pilotman or Handsignalman under the authority of the Signalman.

(b) The other signals applying to the obstructed line, situated between the two crossover roads, except as otherwise provided in clauses (d), (e) and (f) of this Rule, must, where practicable, be maintained at Danger and may be passed by Drivers without special authority.

The other signals applying to the single line must, where practicable, be worked.

(c) Where it is necessary for trains to approach a junction on the single line in the wrong direction a Handsignalman must be stationed opposite the junction home signal and he must keep two detonators on the rail of the single line, and exhibit a hand Danger signal to stop any train approaching on the single line in the wrong direction until the Signalman authorises him to permit the train to pass the signal at Danger. Where the junction home isgnal is so situated that a train coming to a stand at it would foul the junction, the Handsignalman must be stationed well clear of the junction.

(d) Where more than one home signal is provided to facilitate the acceptance of trains, and such trains approach these signals on the single line in the wrong direction, a Handlsignalman must be stationed opposite the outermost home signal. This signal must, whenever possible, be worked, and the Handsignalman must keep two detonators on the rail of the single line and exhibit a hand Danger signal ot stop any train approaching this signal until it is lowered or the Signalman authorises him to permit the train to pass the signal at Danger.

(e) At intermediate boxes, when block working is maintained, the fixed signals must (except where the lock and block or other similar system of signalling is in operation) be worked for trains passing over the single line in both directions. Should a train have been brought to a stand on the obstructed line at an intermediate box and have to remain there during single line working, the Signalman must instruct the Driver not to move until verbally instructed to do so although the signal at which his train is standing may be lowered. Where the lock and block or other similar system is in force or when block working is suspended, the fixed signal must be kept at Danger and the Signalman must hand signal Drivers past the signals when the line is clear for trains to proceed.

(f) The fixed signals protecting level crossings must, where possible, be worked for trains passing over the single line in both directions. Where the signals in either or both directions cannot be worked, a hand signal must be given by the Crossing Keeper or other apointed person to the Driver to pas the stop signal when the line is clear for the train to proceed.

Suspension of block working.

198. (a) Block working must be maintained whenever possible in connection with single line working, but when it is necessary to suspend block working this must be done only by the person who arranges the single line working.

Maintenance of block working.

Block working must, however, be maintained or the provisions of Block Regulation 25, clause (a/iii), observed, or the Pilotman must accompany every train passing over the single line when any of the following conditions apply--

Fog or falling snow.
The gradients are heavy.
A tunnel or movable bridge intervenes.

Where block working is maintained, up trains must be signalled on the up line block instruments and down trains on the down line block instruments.

Block indicator to be released.

(b) When block working is maintained, and the block indicator for the obstructed line is at the "Train on line" position, the Signalman at the box in advance of the obstruction must, in order that the block singalling of trains in both directions on the single line may be carried on as laid down in the foregoing paragraph, release the block indicator in accordance with the following instructions:--

(i.) IF the Station Master in advance of the obstruction arranges the single line working and the Pilotman is conveyed by train to the signal box in rear,the Signalman there must, after receiving the single line form and provided the train has arrived complete, give the "Train out of section" signal, and the Signalman in advance of the obstruction, after acknowledging such signal, must release the block indicator for the obstructed line.

If the Pilotman is not conveyed through the section by train, he must, when the arrangements for commencing single line working have been completed, instruct the Signalman at the box in rear of the obstruction to so inform the Signalman at the box in advance; the latter Signalman must then release the block indicator for the obstructed line.

(ii.) When the Station Master in rear of the obstruction arranges the single line working, the Pilotman, when handing the single line form to the Signalman in advance of the obstruction, must instruct him to release the block indicator for the obstructed line.

Note--Clause (b) is not applicable to lines worked on the lock and block or other similar system.

Disconnection of track circuits.

(b) When block working is maintained during single line working and traack circuiting is provided in either the obstructed line or the line used as a single line, the lineman must, except where instructions are issued to the contrary, be requested in writing by the person arranging single line working to disconnect the control of the track circuit over the block indicators and signals if either of the following conditions obtain:--

(i.) The signals which required to be worked are locked by the occupation of a track circuit in the obstructed line.

(ii.) The block indicator is likely to be wrongly placed to the "Train on line" or normal position by a train travelling in the wrong direction over a track circuit provided in the line used as a single line, or wrongly maintained at "Train on line" or normal position by the occupation of the obstructed line.

If it is necessary to commence single line working before the arrival of the Lineman and the block indicators are thus affected, they must be regarded as out of use and the provisions of Block Regulation 25 observed.

Before double line working is resumed the control of the track circuit over the block indicators and signals must be restored, or the provisions of Rule 77, clause (e), observed.

Crossover raod without fixed signals.

When hand signal at ¾ mile cannot be plainly seen by Driver.

199. In the event of a crossover road not protected by fixed signals being used for single line working, a competent man, with hand signals and detonators, must be placed at least ¾ mile on e each side of the crossover road to signal in place of distant signals, and a man, similarly equipped, at each side of the crossover road to signal in place of home signals. Each man must place and maintain two detonators on the line concerned, and the man acting in place of the distant signal must exhibit a hand Caution signal, and the man acting in place of the home signal must exhibit a hand Danger signal to stop all trains approaching the single line. Should the distance of ¾ mile fall within a tunnel, or close to the mouth of a tunnel nearer to the obstruction, or in any other position where, owing to the formation of the line, or to some other circumstance, the Driver of an approaching train would be unable to obtain a good and distant view of the hand signal, then the detonators must be placed and the hand signal exhibited at the end of the tunnel farther from the crossover road, or at such a distance over and above the prescribed distance of ¾ mile as may be necessary to ensure the Driver obtaining a good and distant view of such signal.

200. (a) Before single line working is put in operation, the Signalman at each end of the single line must, when practicable, advise the Signalman at the box in rear. Where the line is blocked between boxes "A" and "B," as shown in dagrom on pages 160 and 161, the Signalman at box "C" must, except as shown in clause (c), stop each train proceeding in the direction of the single line, inform the Driver of the curcumstances and instruct him to proceed cautiously; such trains must be accepted by the Signalman at box "B" in accordance with Block Regulation 5. Trains travelling over the single line in the wrong direction must be accepted at box "B" in accordance with Block Regulation 4 or 25, clause(a/iii.).

Except as shown in clause (c), a Handsignalman must be placed outside the distant signal bof box "B" for trains apporaching from box "C" (see diagram on pages 160 and 161), and he must place two detonators on the rail for each approaching train, and exhibit a hand Caution signal. When, however, the distant signal is on the same post as a stop signal a red hand signal must be exhibited by the Handsignalman to Drivers of approaching trains if the stop signal is at Danger, and a yellow hand signal if the stop signal is at Clear.

(b) The Signalman at the box controlling the crossover road where trains are crossed from the obstructed line to proceed along the single line in the wrong direction may, except during fog or falling snow, allow a train to approach the obstructed line in accordance with Block Regulation 4, but, during fog or falling snow, or when the line is not clear in accordance with Block Regulation 4 but is clear to the home isgnal, a train may be allowed to approach in accordance with Block Regulation 5. Trains approaching this box on the single line must be accepted under Block Regulation 4 or 25, clause (a/iii.), except as otherwise provided for in clause (e) of this Rule.

(c) Where an additional home signal is provided for acceptance purposes, for trains approaching either the obstructed line or the line being used as a single line, such trains must be signalled as under normal working, and, in the case of trains approaching the single line it will not be necessary to stop them at the rear box to advise the Drivers of the circumstances or to place a Handsignalman outside the distant signal applicable to the line upon which the single line working is in operation. During fog or falling snow, however, trains approaching the single line must be accepted under Block Regulation 5 until the Fogsignalmen appointed for the distant signal and the outermost home signal for the box at which the single line working commences have arrived at their posts; the Signalman at the box in rear must stop each train accepted under Block Regulation 5 and advise the Driver that single line working is in operation at the box in advance.

(d) Where one of the lines is blocked between the crossover roads at boxes "B" and "C" or "B" and "D" (see diagram on following page) and trains approach "B" from "C" or "D" in the wrong direction, all trains from "A," "C" and "D" must be accepted at box "B" in accordance with Block Regulation 4 or 25, clause (a/iii.).

Where one of the lines is blocked between the crossover roads at boxes "B" and "C" or "B" and "D" (see diagram below) and trains approach "B" in the right direction, all trains from "C" and "D" must, except as provided in clause (e), be accepted at box "B" in accordance with Block Regulation 4 or 25, clause (a/iii.), and trains from "A" must be accepted in accordance with the first sentence of clause (b) or this Rule.


(e) Where in normal working Block Regulation 5 is authorised on a line used as a single line, trains travelling over the single line in the right direction may be accepted in accordance with Block Regulation 5 or 25, clause (a/iii.).

(f) The crossover road through which trains are crossed from the obstructed line to proceed along the single line in the wrong direction may be used without the Pilotman being present.

Pilotman obtaining Signalman's permission for trains to enter single line.

201. When block working or Block Regulation 25, clause (a/iii.), is in operation the Pulotman must obtain the permission of the Signalman before allowing a train to enter upon the single line.

Driver and Guard to be informed of single line working.

202. (a) No train must be allowed to enter upon the single line without the Driver and Guard having first been informed by the Pilotman that single line working is in operation and between what points. When, however, a train required only to pass over or foul a portion of the single line at a junction it will not be necessary to convey this intimation to the Driver and Guard, and the signals may be lwoered and the train allowed to pass without being stopped.

(b) When a train is followed by one or more trains in the same direction and block working is suspended, the Driver and Guard of each train must be so advised by the Pilotman and instructed to proceed cautiously.

Movements from obstructed line.

203. When it is necessary for any movement to be made from the portion of the obstructed line situated between the 3 detonators placed ¼ mile from each crossover road, such movement must not be made past the detonators towards either crossover road until a clear understanding has been come to with the Signalman controlling the crossover road in advance, or "Wrong Line" order (Form D, see Rule 184) has been obtained for a movement towards the crossover road in rear.

Speed of trains.

204. Trains must be run over the single line cautiously and at reduced speed, and Drivers must make frequent use of the whistle by giving a series of "pop" whistles. When passing through a tunnel, or after sunset or during fog or falling snow, trains must carry a red head light. These instructions, however, will not apply to trains which only required to pass to of from the unobstructed route at a junction.

The speed of trains travelling over the single line in the wrong direction must not exceed 10 miles per hour when passing over any points which become facing poitns, and Drivers must be prepared to act on any hand signal which may be given them.

Change of Pilotman.

205. (a) Should it be necessary to change the Pilotman, the person who arranged the single line working must issue fresh forms on which must be inserted the name of the new Pilotman to whom the nexessary forms must be handed in the presence of the Pilotman who is being relieved, and the latter must at the same time hand his form to the new Pilotman. The Pilotman who has been relieved will then cease to act as Pilotman and must not ride upon any engine, or with the Driver of any elextric train, rail motor or motor train, travelling over the single line. The new Pilotman must isgn and deliver the fresh forms, obtain the necessary signatures, and at the same time withdraw the old forms which must afterwards be delivered by him to the person who arranged the single line working.

Change of Signalmen.

(b) Should the Signalmen be changed during single line working the man coming on duty must be made acquainted, by the man going off duty, with the arrangements in force. If the Pilotman is at the end of the section at which the change of Signalmen is being made the Signalman coming on duty must isgn the form held by the Pilotman before taking charge of the signal box. If, however, the Pilotman is not at that end of the section, the Signalman coming on duty may take charge, but before doing so must sign the single line form then in the signal box in the presence of the Signalman going off dutty who will be responsible for seeing this is done, and the Signalman coming on duty must sign the Pilotman's form at the first opportunity.

When commencing single line working the Pilotman must ascertain the time at which the Signalmen change duty, and, as soon as practicable, arrange for those coming on duty later to sign the single line form held by him.

Fouling of single line at junction.

206. At a junction, trains passing the junction single box to and from the unobstructged route having to pass over or foul a portion of the line being used as a single line, may be allowed to do so without the Pilotman being present, provided block working or the provisions of Block Regulation 25, clause (a/iii), are maintained in all directions. In such circumstances the Handisgnalman referred to in Rule 200, clause (a), must not be employed at the distant signal worked from the junction box, but during fog or falling snow thw usual fog-signalling arrangements must be carried out in connection with such signal.

When both lines obstructed.

207. (a) When both lines are obstructed and it become necessary to work trains up to the obstruction on both sides for the transfer of passengers or any other purpose, single line working must be arranged on both sides between the nearest crossover road and the obstruction, and a Pilotman appointed to act on each side; a responsible person must, where possible, also be placed in charge at the obstruction.

(b) Two competent men, provided with the necessary hand signals and detonators, must be appointed to protect the obstruction, one on each side.

When one line is cleared.

(c) When one line is cleared, arrangements must be made for single line working between the crossover roads on each side of the obstruction. Both Pilotmen must proceed with the first train over the line which has been cleared, and the person who is appointed Pilotman for that line must withdraw all the single line forms previously in use, at the same time as he delivers the new forms.

Resumption of double line working.

208. (a) When the line is clear and double line working can be resumed all the forms issued for the single line working must be collected by the Pilotman. These forms must afterwards by sent to the Traffic Manager

Fot the purpose of collecting the forms the Pilotman may use, in the proper direction, the line which had been obstructed. He must, however, before taking a train over that line have a clear understanding with all concerned.

(b) When block working has been maintained, normal double line working may be resumed as soon as the single line forms have been collected. If, however, block working has been suspeended and is about to be resumed, the first train travelling over the line which has been obstructed, and the first train travelling over the line which has been used as a single line must be dealt with by the Signalman in the same manner as the last train allowed to proceed through a section in which there has been a failure of the block instruments. -- See Block Regulation 25, clause (b).


To be printed on WHITE paper.

Form referred to in Rule 193, clause (c).



........................ Station


The .............................. line being blocked between .............................. and .............................. , all traffic will pass between these two places on the .............................. line.

.............................. will act as Pilotman, and no train must be allowed to pass on to the single line, except as provided in Rule 200, clause (f), and in the first paragraph or Rule 206, unless he is present and personally orders the train to start.

* (a) Block working or Block Regulation 25, clause (a/iii.), is in operation

* (b) Block working is suspended

* Strike out sentence (a) or (b) not applicable.

This order is to remain in force until withdrawn by the Pilotman.

# Catch points, spring points, or unworked trailing points exist at ........................ , and arrangements have been made for working ias directed in Rules 195 and 196.

# Strike out sentence if no such points exist.

(Signed) ........................

To ........................

Noted by ........................ at .............................. | ..............................
Noted by ........................ at .............................. | ..............................
Noted by ........................ at .............................. | ..............................
Noted by ........................ at .............................. | ..............................
Noted by ........................ at .............................. | ..............................
Noted by ...................................................... Pilotman. 2002.07.14
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