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GSR Rule Book - 1933




240. The following instructions must be observed by Guards and others with respect to the conveyance of vehicles containing explosives and other dangerous goods :--

General precautions to be observed.

(1.) Each person engaged in loading, unloading, or conveying explosives or other dangerous goods must observe all necessary precautions for the prevention of accident by fire or explosion, and whn loading or unloading explosives into or out of a gunpowder van must wear, whilst in the ban, themagazine boots provided. He must not allow any unauthorised person to have access to such goods; must abstain from smoking or any act whaever which tends to cause fire or explosion, and is not reasnably necessary for the loading, unloading, or conveyance; and must prevent any other person from committing any such act. Further, he must not ahve upon him any matches or means of striking a light.

Handling explosives.

(2.) In loading or unloading any explosive, the casks and packages containing the same must, as far as practicable, be passed from hand to hand, and not rolledupon the ground, and in no case must any such casks or packages be rolled unless clean hides, cloths or sheets have been previously laid down on the platform or ground over which the same are to be rolled. Casks or packages containing explosives must not be thrown or dropped, but must be carefully deposited and stowed in such a manner as to prevent any displacement of the casks or packages during transit.

Defective receptacles.

(3.) In loading or unloading any explosive, the casks and apckages containing the same must, as far as practicable, be passed from hand to hand, and not rolledupon the ground, and in no case must any such casks or packages be rolled unless clean hides, cloths or sheets have been previously laid down on the platform or ground over which the same are to be rolled. Casks or packages containing explosives must not be thrown or dropped, but must be carefully deposited and stowed in such a manner as to prevent any displacement of the casks or packages during transit.

Inflammable liquids and oily materials.

(4.) Inflammable liquids, oily rags, oily waste, oily paper, oily canvas, oily mill sweepings, and similar goods must wherever possible be loaded in separate vehicles (iron-bottomed vehicles being used in all cases when available), which must be kept as far away as practicable from vehicles containing other goods.

Before loading inflammable liquids or empties which have contained infoammable liquids the vehicles must be swept free from all litter which might be readily ignited.

Liquefied chlorine.

(5.) When dealing with liquefied chlorine in drums (gross weight approcimately between 10 cwts. and 2 tons each) the following conditions must be strictly adhered to in addition to those contained in the Dangerous Goods Classification :--


The drums must be conveyed in through vehicles to destination and not transhipped.


They must as far as practicable be dealt with entirely in the open.


They must be adequately secured and scotched to prevent rolling in the vehicles.


Suitable hooked chains for use in unloading must be sent to destination station by the sending station in the same vehicle as the drums. In the case of any emergency in which it is necessary to remove these drums from the wagon, only such cranes and hook-chains as have been certified to have a lifting power of not less than two tons must be used.


The types of vehicles used must be such that the unloading can be performed without the drum at any time being lifted to a height exceeding 6 feet from the rail level.


Vehicles containing drums of liquefied chlorine must not contain any corrosive or heavy articles likely to damage the drums or other articles likely to be damaged by chlorine, and must have affixed a label or labels bearing the following :--

Handle with great care

In the event of leakage of Gas keep on the windward side, remove wagon to as open a space as possible, and immediately telegraph or telephone to Traffic Department

In the case of any emergency in which it is necessary to remove these drums from the wagon, only such cranes and hook-chains as have been certified to have a lifting power of not less than 2 tons must be used.


If the drums are carted by the Railway Company the unloading at the consignee's premises must be performed entirely by and at the responsibility of the consignee.

Gunpowder vans.

(6.) Gunpowder vans must in every case be locked when sent loaded with explosives, and, except when a standard lock is used, the key must be forwarded to the receiving station.

The vans must be kept clean and nothing must be conveyed in them except explosives and the magazine boots.

Transhipment of explosives.

(7.) Explosives for branch stations, or for any station not on the direct route to be taken by the vehicle, must not be sent in small lots requiring transhipment, unless they are packed in metallic cases or cylinders, and when explosives require to be transhipped the transhipment must be effected as speedily as possible.

Labelling of vehicles.

(8.) Distinctive labels for explosibes, inflammable liquids and dangerous goods, respectively, are provided, and on no account must vehicles containing such traffics, except explosibes in metallic cases or cylinders, be allowed to travel unless one of the appropriate labels is securely affixed on each side, in order that the Guard may be aware of the contents.

Guard's responsibility.

(9.) Whenever vehicles containing explosives, inflammable liquids, or other dangerous goods have to be forwarded by train, the special attention of the Guard must be called to the vehicles by a duly authised person, and the Guard will be responsible for the proper observance of these instructions while the goods are being conveyed on the train, and until they are delivered into the safe custody of the station staff.

Maximum number and marshalling of vehicles.

(10.) Not more than five vehicles containing explosives must be conveyed by any one train at any one time. Vehicles containing explosives or hightly inflammable liquids or tank wagons containing compressed liquified gases must be marshalled as near the middle of the train as possible. Vehicles containing explosibes and tank wagons containing compressed liquefied gases must not be placed on the train near to vehicles containing inflammable liquids or other traffic of an inflammable nature.

Sheeting of vehicles.

(11.) Open vehicles conveying explosives contained in metallic cases or cylinders must be sheeted to protect the contents against risk of fire.

Vehicles containing inflammable liquids, or empty vessels which have been used for inflammable liquids, must not be sheeted, except in the case of small consignments loaded iwth other goods.

Examination of vehicles during journey.

(12.) At every station at which a train stops, the Guard must make a special examination of the vehicles containing any description of explosibes or other dangerous goods, and must more especially examine the axle-boxes, and, if there is the least sign of heating, the vehicle must be detached, and the attention of the Station Master specially directed to it. Special care must be taken not to bring any light in close proximity to vehicles containing explosives or inflammable goods.

If it be necessary to detach, as unfit to travel, a vehicle containing explosives or other dangerous goods at any point short of its destination, the Guard must advise the person in charge of the station or siding where the vehicles is detached in order that the necessary precautions may be taken by all concerned in dealing with the vehicle.

Detaching of vehicles.

(13.) Before detaching at the end of the journey, or at exchange sidings, vehicles containing any description of explosives or dangerous goods, the Guard must call the special attention of a duly authorised person, and obtain his instructions as to the disposal of the vehicles.

Vehicles not to be placed in sheds or warehouses.

(14.) At both the sending and receiving stations, vehicles containing any description of explosives or dangerous goods, or traffic of an inflammable nature referred to in clause (4), must not be placed iwthin any of the Company's sheds or warehouses. On arrival at the receiving station such vehicles must be immediately separated from other vehicles.

When small lots of explosives or other dangerous goods or of traffic of an inflammable nature, with are loaded with other goods are received in sheds or warehouses they must be immediately removed from such buildings.

NOTES.--Explosives and other dangersous goods must not, except where special instructions are given to the contrary, be carried by trains conveying passengers.

Loose shunting of vehicles contining explosives is strictly forbidden. 2002.07.16
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