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GSR Rule Book - 1933




Points, signals, interlocking and other apparatus to be examined, and reported when defective.

61. Signalmen must see that points, signals, interlocking, electric and other apparatus are kept in perfect working order, and immediately report to the Station Master and to the Permanent-way Inspector, Lineman, or other person in charge of repairs, any case in which the apparatus is defective or is not properly cleaned and aoiled. The Station Master must, when nedessary, telegraph or telephone the circumstances to the proper authorities. Points not frequently used must be occasionally worked by the Signalman to assure himself that they are in order.

Station Masters must see that all scotch blocks are kept in proper order.

Trap points, derailers and scotch blocks.

62. Trap points, derailers and scotch blocks must be set to secure safety, and, except when movements are required to be made over the line on which they are provided, they must be kept in position to prevent any vehicles escaping on to running lines.

Runaway catch points.

63. Runaway catch points worked from signal boxes must be kept normally open in order to prevent any vehicle running back. When it is necessary for a movement to be made over runaway catch points in the facing direction, whether they are worked from a signal box or not, care must be taken that the points are properly set and secured for the movement.

Damage to points, crossings or rails to be reported.

64. When any point, crossing rail or check rail is damaged or strained, the circumstances must be reported immediately to the Station Master and Permanent-way Inspector, or Ganger, and all trains must be stopped, or allowed to pass over slowly, as may be necessary, until the damage is repaired.

Care in operating signals.

65. When a Signalman operates a signal lever he must watch the signal to ascertain that it goes fully to the required position o raspect. Where a fixed signal is out of the Signalman's sight and its working is indicated by a repeater in the signal box, he must satisfy himself by means of the repeater that the signal is working properly, and if a signal light repeater or indicator is also provided ascertain therefrom that the light is burning.

Distant signal fixed near to another box.

Where the distant signal worked from one box is fixed near to another box, the Signalman at the latter box is responsible for seeing that the signal is working correctly and that the light is burning properly when necessary. This will not, however, relieve the Signalman from whose box the distant signal is worked from satisfying himself that the signal is working correctly.

Wires to be regulated.

Signalmen must keep the signal wires adjusted by means of the regulating appliances, to compensate for expansion and contraction caused by variations of temperature.

Danger signal to be exhibited in case of obstruction or defect.

66. (a) Should a Signalman become aware of any obstruction upon, or defect in, the line, he must place or maintain the necessary signals at Danger, and take any other steps to prevent any train apporaching the obstruction until the line is clear and safe.

Use of reminder appliances.

(b) Where appliances which require to be operated by the Signalman are provided to serve as a reminder that certain signals must not be lowered, the Signalman must make prompt use of such appliances.

Working of levers.

67. (a) The Signalman must see that all levers, whether in the normal or reverse positions, are secured by the catch being firmly down in the notch of the locking frame. He must also, when practicable, assure himself by observation that the points have obeyed the lever and are in the proper position.

(b) Facing points not worked from a locking frame must be securely fastened or held for the passage of each train.

Replacing of signals to Caution or Danger.

68. (a) A distant signal must be placed at Caution immediately it is passed by a train.

A stop signal must be placed at Danger immediately the last vehicle of a train has passed it except that--

(i.) at a junction, the signal must be placed at Danger immediately the last vehicle has cleared the junction points.

(ii.) where station yard working is in operation, and in all other cases where the absolute block system is not being wokred to, the stop signal must be placed at Danger immediately it is passed by an engine; ehere, however, there are facing points in advance of such signal, the stop signal must not be placed at Danger until the engine has passed over these points.

(iii.) should a train be brought to a stand with its rear portion outside a stop signal, the signal must be placed at Danger.

(b) When a stop signal has been lowered for the passage of a train it nust not, except in case of accident or obstruction, or as provided in Rules 70 and 215, be replaced at Danger before the train has passed it as laid down in clause (a) or has come to a stand.

(c) At certain places signals automatically go to Danger before the whole of the train has passed. When such signals are controlled from a signal box, the levers must be placed in the normal position in accordance with the preceding paragraphs.

During and after shunting operations.

69. During shunting operations Signalmen must not move points until they have obtained a signal from the Guard or Shunter, or from the Driver or Fireman in the case of a light-engine, intimating that the last vehicle or the engine, as the case may be, is clear of the points.

When a train has been set back into a refuge siding or through a cross-over raod, or in any other similar case where the engine is near the points the signal will be given by the Driver.

When the shunting operations are completed the Signalman must see, or have intimation from the Guard, Shunter or Driver that the running lines are clear.

When two trains approach a junction at, or nearly at, same time.

70. (a) When two or more trains approach a junction at, or nearly at, the same time, and the signals have been lowered for a train which should have been kept back for the passage of another, the Signalman must not attempt to alter the order of the trains by reversing the signals, but must place and maintain them all at Danger until all the trains have been brought to a stand, when precedence can be given to the proper train.

Reversing of signals.

(b) After a signal has been lowered for a train to start, and it is found necessary for the signal to be replaced to Danger before the train starts, the Signalman must, when practicable, before allowing any obstruction of the line to which the signal applies, or before reversing the points, satisfy himself that the Driver is aware of the signal having been reversed. This, however, will not relieve the Driver of the responsibility of satisfying himserlf as to the position of the signal by personal observation before starting.

(c) If a Driver brings his train to a stand when approaching or about to pass signals which are in the Clear position, he must, before restarting, again ovserve the position of the signal. If unable to proceed in the usuual course the Driver must arrange for the Signalman to be immediately advised.

Signals, &c., not to be worked by unauthorised persons.

71. (a) Train Register Boys, or other unauthorised persons must not be allowed to work signals, points, train signalling instruments, bells or gongs.

Points not to be moved without Signalman's permission.

(b) No person must move any points which lead to a running line, or from one running line to another, without the permission of the Signalman.

Signal boxes to be kept private.

72. (a) Signal boxes must be kept strictly private, and Signalmen must not allow any unauthorised person to enter.

Signal boxes to be kept clean.

(b) Signal boxes and their equipment must be kept clean.

Lighted hand lamp to be available in signal box.

(c) A lighted hand lamp must be available in each signal box for use of the Signalman after sunset or during fog or falling snow. In signal boxes situated in tunnels a lighted hand lamp must always be available.

Lighting and extinguishing singal lamps.

73. (a) Except where long burning lamps are provided, the signal lamps must be lighted as soon as it commences to be dusk, and during fog and falling snow, and unless instructions are issued to the contrary, must not be extinguished until daylight.

Places closed during night.

(b) At places which are closed during the night, the signal lamps other than long burning, must, unless instructions are issued to the contrary, be extinguished after the signal box has been closed, and, if the box has to be opened before daylight, they must be re-lighted in sufficient time for the passage of the first train.

Failure of signal light.

74. Should a signal light fail, immediate steps must be taken to have the lamp relighted. Unless instructions are issued to the contrary, when it is necessary for a Signalman to leave his signal box for this purpose, he must not do so unless all his signals are at Danger.

Signalmen changing duty to give and receive information and sign register.

75. Signalmen must change duty only at the appointed time.

Each Signalman being relieved must inform the Signalman relieving him whether the electrical instruments, signals, points, &c., are in good working order, what trains, if any, are in the sections, or are signalled, and of any other matter necessary to enable the man taking duty to properly discharge his duties.

The relieving Signalman before taking duty must, as far as ppracticable, satisfy himself that he has received all information in regard to the matters referred to above.

A Signalman leaving duty after giving all necessary information to the man relieving him must leave the signal box without delay.

Each Signalman must enter in the train register book or other book provided for the purpose, the time of his arrival on duty and the time of his leaving, and place his signature thereto.

Testing of apparatus.

A Signalman opening a signal box must, as soon as possible, satisfy himself that the electrical instruments, signals, points, &c., are in proper working order.

Signalmen leaving duty at boxes which are switched out or closed.

76. When signal boxes are switched out or closed during certain periods, the Signalmen must not leave duty before the appointed time nor until the necessary Block Regulations have been complied with. 2002.07.14
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