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GSR Rule Book - 193381-83 |
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Stop signal defective or not shown. |
81. (a) Except where instructions are issued to the contrary, when a stop signal (other than an automatic signal, as to which see clause (n) ), or a siding signal applicable to a siding not protected by trap points or derailer, becomes defective, or during the temporary absence of such a signal, a Handsignalman must be placed at it or at the place it occupied. If the Signalman cannot communicate with the Handsignalman, an additional man may be appointed to transmit the Signalman's instructions. If the defective signal can be placed at Danger, it must, except as provided in clause (j), be maintained in that position until again in working order. In the case of a mechanically or power operated (two-aspect) signal the distant signals applicable to the lines affected must be disconnected and fixed at Caution; where power operated multiple-aspect signals are affected, the electrical circuit or circuits controlling the signal in rear of the defective signal must be disconnected so that it will not be possible for it to exhibit any aspect other than Caution (one yellow) or Danger. Until these signals can be so disconnected the Signalman must maintain them in the positions described, where practicable, and place lever collars or other applices provided oon the levers concerned. |
Failure of track circuits. |
(b) When a track circuit, or other apparatus performing a similar function fails, the provisions of Rule 77, clause (e), must be observed. |
Interlocking, facing point, &c., out of order. |
(c) Should the interlocking, or any facing point, switch diamond, bar, lock or bolt be out of order, a Handsignalman must be appointed and the instructions in the second paragraph of clause (a) carried out. |
Selection of Handsignalmen. |
(d) Station Masters must select suitable men from their staff to act as Handsignalmen, but where this cannot be done they must obtain competent men from the nearest Ganger. |
Facing points. |
(e) When the interlocking is out of order, facing points must, except when required to be otherwise placed for the passage of trains, be so set that no train can cross the path of another train. |
Distant signal defective or not shown. |
(f) A defective distant signal must, whenever possible, be kept at Caution, and if this can be done a Handsignalman need not be appointed at it, but during fog or falling snow, the Fogsignalman (if one is employed at the signal) must take up his duties as usual. |
(g) When a defective distant signal cannot be placed at Caution or during the temporary absence of such a signal, a Handsignalman must be stationed just outside such signal or at the place it occupied, and there exhibit a Caution signal to the Driver of every approaching train and keep a detonator on the rail of the line to which the signal applies, until the signal has been repaired or replaced, or fixed in the Caution position Where, however, the defective distant signal is on the same post as a stop signal, a red hand signal must be exhibited by the Handisgnalman at the signal or at the place it occupied when it is necessary to stop trains, and a yellow hand signal when authority is given by the Signalman for trains to proceed. |
Drivers to be advised when signal cannot be placed at Caution or Danger, or not shown. |
(h) The Signalman at the box in rear must be advised if a distant signal cannot be placed at Caution, or a home signal cannot be placed at Danger, or of the temporary absence of such a signal, or if the light is out when it should be burning, and he must stop all trains proceeding in the direction of that signal and advise the Drivers of the circumstance. Where the signal forms one of a group, all trains approaching such signals in the same direction on adjoining lines must be similarly dealt with. If any signal in advance of a home signal cannot be placed at Danger the Singalman concerned must not permit any train to pass the stop signal next in rear of the defective signal unless he can advise the Driver of the circumstance, or a Handsignalman has been appointed, or permission has been obtained from the box in advance for the train to proceed. During the temporary absence of a signal in advance of a home signal, or if the light of such signal is out when it should be burning, the Signalman working the signal must not permit any train to pass the stop signal next in rear of the defiective signal unless he can advise the Driver of the circumstance or a Handsignalman has been appointed. Where the signal forms one of a group all trains approaching such signals in the same direction on adjoining lines must be simlarly dealt with. Should a Signalman become aware of a defective signal worked from the box in advance he must advise the Signalman there of the defect, if necessary stopping the first train going to that box and instructing the Driver to inform the Signalman of the circumstance. |
(i) If a notice of the temporary absence of a signal has been issued by the Traffic Manager and a Handsignalman has been provided, trains need not be stopped for the Drivers to be advised. |
Signal light out. |
(j) During the time the light of a distant or stop signal is out when it should be b urning, the distant signal must be kept at Caution. When the light of a stop signal is out the lever must be workied if the Signalman can satisfy himself that the signal responds. |
Signal out of order. |
(k) When a signal is defective, but the interlocking is in order, the Signalman must use the lever applicaable to such signal to obtain the security of the interlocking, and the counter-balance weight must, when necessary, be disconnected by the man in charge of the work. |
Drivers to be advised when stop signal cannot be lowered. |
(l) When it is necessary for a train to pass at Danger a defective stop signal in rear of the box, before the Handsignalman takes up his duties, the Signalman must, where circumstances permit, proceed to the defective signal and explain to the Driver why it cannot be lowered. If, however, the Signalman is unable to leave his box and there are no facing points or switch diamonds over which the train has to run, he must, after the train has come to a stand, and there is no risk of another Driver mistaking a hand signal, exhibit to the Driver a green hand signal, held steadily, which must be regarded by the Driver as an intimation to pass the signal at Danger, and to proceed as far as the signal box for instructions. If there are facing points or switch diamonds the Signalman must, before authorising the Driver to pass the defective signal, satisfy himself that they are set in position for the line over which the train has to run. Where the defective stop signal is in advance of the signal box the Signalman must, until the Handsignalman takes up his duties, stop each train at his box in accordance with Rule 40, and explain the circumstances to the Driver. If a train has passed the signal box before the defect is observed the Signalman must verbally explain to the Driver why the signal cannot be lowered, leaving his box if necessary and circumstances permit, or take the most expeditious means to inform the Driver. The Driver also before passing over any facing points or switch diamonds must satisfy himself that they are in the proper position for his train. |
Handsignalmen. |
(m) Where Handsignalmen are appointed, the provisions of Rule 78 must be observed. |
Automatic signals. |
(n) When an automatic signal is defective, or during the temporary absence of such a signal, or if the light is out when it should be burning, a Handsignalman must be appointed at such signal or at the place it occupied, and he must act in accordance with the provisions of Rule 77, clause (i). Except in the case of an automatic signal failing in the Danger position, the Signalman at the box in rear must be informed of the circumstance and he must stop all trains proceeding toward the signal concerned and advise the Drivers accordingly. Should a Driver passing an automatic signal at Danger under the provisions of Rule 55, clause (g), have reason to suppose that the signal has failed, or should a light be out when it should be burning, or a signal be missing, he must report the circumstance to the Signalman at the next signal box. |
Signal not shown or imperfectly shown. |
82. The absence of a signal where one is ordinarily shown, or a signal imperfectly exhibited, or the exhibition of a white light where a red, yellow or green light ought to be seen, must be treated as a Danger signal and the circumstance reported to the Signalman at the nearest signal box. Should, however, the signal converned be a distant or a stop signal worked from a box which is closed, the Driver must proceed cautiously and report the circumstance to the Signalman at the next signal box. It will not be necessary for a Driver to inform the Signalman of a defect if previously advised by notice or by the Signalman at the box in rear. |
Electrical locking, &c., not to be released. |
83. Electrical locking or controlling devices in connection with signals, points, or block apparatus must not, in case of failure, or supposed failure, be released unless special instructions are issued to the contrary. | | 2002.07.14 |