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Proposals -- Western Long-Distance Trains
- Trains of the North Pacific
Corridor 22 October 2001
- Spokane to Denver Train -- 19
April 2001.
- Condensed schedule showing
suggested new routes and major changes to existing routes
- Route matrix of all Western
long-distance trains
- The Starlight Zephyr
- Los Angeles CA - Las Vegas NV - Salt Lake City UT -
Portland WA - Seattle WA - Vancouver BC
- The Desert Zephyr
- Los Angeles CA - Las Vegas NV - Salt Lake City UT
- Denver CO - Omaha NE - Chicago IL - Toronto
- The Texas Zephyr
- (Vancouver BC - Seattle WA - Portland OR) - Salt Lake City
UT - Denver CO - Oklahoma City OK - Dallas/Fort Worth TX -
Houston TX - New Orleans LA
- The Pioneer Zephyr
- (Vancouver BC - Seattle WA - Portland OR) - Salt Lake
City UT - Denver CO - Omaha NE - Chicago IL
- The California Zephyr
- Los Angeles CA - San Jose CA - Oakland CA -
Sacramento CA - Reno NV - Salt Lake City UT - Denver CO -
Chicago IL - Toledo OH - Cleveland OH - Buffalo NY -
Albany NY - Boston MA