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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/lmr.
Luc Mallet Railways
Here are a few railroad pictures I have collected over the years. Pictures are from Rodrigue Mallet, Luc Mallet and Justin Babcock.
If you are looking for New Brunswick East Coast RR pictures, you can find them in the NBEC section from the menu.
CB&CNS #3716
Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia RR -
"Joseph Howe" (Both pictures) -
Info: MLW RS-18 - 1800 h.p. - ex CN 3716 -
built in 1958 - CN class MR-18d -
Was retired in 1985, and saw some use as a switcher for
CN's Research and Developement laboratory next to
Taschereau Yard in Montreal. Acquired by CB&CNS in 1994.
(My friend Justin thinks that this is the only 3700 (CN)
locomotive left.)
Picture by R. Mallet

CB&CNS #2034
Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia Railway -
"Sir Conan Doyle" -
Info: MLW C-630M - 3000 h.p. - ex CN 2034 -
built in 1967-68 - CN class MF-30b -
Acquired by CB&CNS in 1993.
Picture by R. Mallet |

Sydney Steel
Steel Car
Sydney N.S.
Picture by R. Mallet |

VIA #6141
Via Rail Canada
Waiting for passengers at Campbellton, N.B.
Pictures by Jim Babcock |
LMR (c)2006
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