Welcome to the History of The LR&B Model Railroad.

The full name of the road is the Langley Richardson & Borrowers.
A long long time ago in a place far away from the real world the LR&B was born. No wait that was something else entirely.
I was given a N scale Model train set for Christmas in 2000. Until then my railroading was done in the local club at the Wilmington Railroad Museum. This club was sadly to say only HO and the O scale layout.
The club allowed me to work out how to lay track and ballast track and some rudimentary scenery. The web was for the longest time my favorite place to get the smell of trains.
The HO club got me to a point that I put a single track on the wall around the room near the ceiling. This by the way is a great way to annoy cats.
I got the HO track layed and running the first night was a long one. When I went to bed I had a dream that the train was running. In my dream i went out to see how this was happening and found the borrowers using the train to move things from the kitchen to the other side of the living room. Talk about a vivid dream they had loaded the two box cars and the three flat cars with food and other items for their use. We made a deal they could run the train at night if they kept the track clean and maintained.