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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/milwhist.

index (and links) to illustrations from original document

"... the locomotive...hissed like a giant tea kettle before the signal was given that all was in readiness..."
" ... a good woman ... who would apply herself ... to the duties of a farmer's wife."
"... manacled and bleeding, he was conveyed in an open wagon to Milwaukee."
" ... I was not among the last to reach the festive board ... and disagree with ... the editor ..."
"Our son ... gave an indication that the journey has left its impression on him."


" ... the shriek of the locomotive whistle was answered by a blast from a... steamer..."
" ... all those in the wagons were shouting 'The Eenjuns are coming!'''
" ... a most attractive young lady who waits upon the trade at 'Mother's' restaurant... "
"Hardly had they started to dance when the caller cried 'All belly up.' "
"... the chief was surrounded by many warriors ... deaf ears to our arguments."
" ... a device that has its merits ... but what will be the future of the telegraph?"
" ... the principal object of our visit was to see The Columbian Exposition ... "
" ... tired of an indoor job I.... bought a team of horses and a grading outfit."
" ... they began climbing aboard the engine, clinging ... wherever they could take hold."
" ... the first to haul passenger and freight trains with electricity."
"... after what's happened to the stock market you may have to ... keep me in food."
" ... ours was the only railroad to exhibit a modern passenger coach... "
" ... encountered a stalled bus and picked up the driver and passengers."
" ... large crowds line up along the right of way..." to see the Hiawathas flash by..."
"Uncle Sam has seen fit to come through with the commission I applied for ... "
"... feel like I personally fought through the whole European campaign."
" ... you ... feel better now that the Olympian Hiawatha is on a 45-hour schedule."
"... Governor Green complimented the Railroad on its improved service... "
"Our slogan for 1950 -- 'Opening Our Second Century,' would answer his question"

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Last Updated: October 07, 2007
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