JUNE 29, 1875 - It has been nearly five
months since I left my father's farm near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to make my
own way and I must say that I do not regret my choice. The hours I spent
in the past few years learning telegraphy from the operator at the railway
station in Elm Grove have stood me in good stead. My skill was sufficient
to get me a job as a telegraph operator with the Chicago, Milwaukee and
St. Paul Railway in St. Paul.
I have had an opportunity to meet many
young people of about my own age. Only yesterday several of us enjoyed an
outing at Red Wing where we saw a very unusual boat race that proved
expensive for all those in our party.
Oarsmen from Stillwater, Red Wing and St.
Paul vied for honors. For many weeks conversation in the three towns had
centered on the event and there has been much bragging about the abilities
of the contestants. Wagering was quite substantial and I chose to risk
$5.00 on the St. Paul team, captained by Norman Wright, the recognized
champion single oarsman in all Minnesota.
In the first race, Mr. Wright was pitted
against a John D. Fox, reputedly a Red Wing grocery clerk. It was apparent
from the outset that the famed Mr. Wright was no match for the Red Wing
oarsman. At one point, Mr. Fox actually stopped his shell and rested until
Mr. Wright came into sight. Red Wing, led by Mr. Fox, also easily won the
four-oared race.
The citizens of Red Wing collected a
reported $50,000 from disgruntled residents of the other towns before it
was revealed that Mr. Fox was not a grocery clerk. A minstrel show
performer from Tennessee recognized him as Ellis Ward, most famous oarsman
in all the world.
JUNE 28, 1876 - Word has reached here of
the terrible tragedy which befell General George A. Custer and his cavalry
regiment in an encounter with Sioux Indians, led by Chief Sitting Bull, at
Little Big Horn, Montana.
Three days ago, General Custer, with 600
men, was sent in advance of the main body of troops pursuing Sitting Bull.
Apparently believing he was attacking only a part of the Indian forces,
General Custer divided his regiment and with 260 men attacked the Indian
center. Instead of encountering 1,000 Indians as he had anticipated, he
found himself surrounded by 5,000. The general and everyone of his 260 men
were slain! This is indeed another dark blot on the record of the
misguided redskins who insist upon combating civilization.
DECEMBER 15, 1876 - A custom instituted by
our Railway many years ago and which I found delightful in the days of my
boyhood, has been discontinued. The company has decided it no longer will
name locomotives. Henceforth, each engine will bear only a number.
The Stephen Clement, our first six-wheeled
locomotive, now becomes plain 199. And the Minnehaha, the D. A. Olin, the
Nebraska, the Minneapolis and the L. B. Rock and all the others also lose
their personal identity.
But I assume this move is but an indication
of progress - that the Railway has outgrown an era of personalization to
become a great industry. Recent newspaper reports from Milwaukee
substantiate the above statement. The company now owns five elevators in
the Wisconsin city, which are said to be capable of storing 3,000,000
bushels of wheat. I understand that our wharfs and grounds in Milwaukee,
exclusive of buildings, are valued at $2,000,000.
But it is difficult for me to concentrate
tonight on affairs of the Railway when there are personal feelings which
seem to crowd other thoughts from my mind. They concern a most attractive
young lady who waits upon the trade at "Mother's" restaurant. She is fair
skinned, brown haired, and of excellent proportions. Twice now I have
accompanied her to her rooming house when she was through working. And she
has given me reason to believe that she found our walks together as
pleasant as I did.
APRIL 28, 1877 - A strange scourge which
caused wide-spread loss of crops has been eliminated from Minnesota by an
Act of Providence. Several days ago, billions of grasshoppers, making a
sound like a roaring wind, swept into every section of the State. They
were so dense that some trains were delayed until the 'hoppers could be
shoveled from the tracks. After their descent on a field it would seem to
have been cut by a reaper of mammoth proportions.
As a result of this destruction, Governor
John Pillsbury designated April 26th a statewide day of prayer for Divine
aid in ridding the state of the scourge. My betrothed and I attended
services in St. Paul. The governor himself closed his flour mills so that
his workers would not be interrupted in their prayers.
In the wake of our prayers, the temperature
last night fell to an unseasonably low degree. The grasshoppers all were
JUNE 19, 1877 - Father and I have had our
first serious disagreement. If it was not for the fact that the issue
involved means so much to me, I would give ground for the sake of harmony
in the family.
In all of his letters of late, father has
written strongly against my intended marriage. He argues that the life of
a telegraph operator is hardly a stable one, inasmuch as I may be
transferred to new frontiers at any moment. I have pointed out, of course,
that he himself took a bride when Wisconsin was but a fledgling State. And
that even though I should be moved on west after my marriage, my wife, who
has successfully made her own way in St. Paul, would be quite capable of
coping with any hardships we might encounter.
So for the first time in my life, I am
going to act in opposition to my father's wishes. I am to be married
DECEMBER 23, 1877 - The Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul has fared well during the past year, even as have my wife and I
since taking up residence in our newly built cottage.
President Mitchell recently made a public
statement which sums up the position of the Railroad. He said: "It gives
us pleasure to state that during the serious labor disturbances of last
summer, the employees of this company, without exception, stood faithfully
at their posts and discharged their duties without faltering."
There has been an unusually good wheat
crop, reflected in our freight revenues, and the company also is
attracting much new business from the lumber camps.
As for our personal life, all has been
serene since my father and mother visited us a month ago. Both were quite
enchanted with my wife, especially when they learned they will become
grandparents sometime early next spring. |