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January 22, 1939, Chicago

Dear Dad,

Our Hiawatha fleet is really expanding. Just yesterday, with appropriate ceremonies along the line, two new trains comprising the Morning Twin Cities Hiawatha went into service. Governor Stassen of Minnesota, a former employee, helped us celebrate by donning a conductor's cap and collecting tickets. Governor Heil of Wisconsin also took part by selling the first ticket in Milwaukee.

Our Hiawathas are establishing many records in the number of passengers carried, and rank at the top among the nation's trains in earnings per mile. They also attract large crowds who line up along the right-of-way just north of Chicago to see them flash by. It seems our Speedliners have a fascination for young and old alike.

Our Agricultural and Mineral Development Department, always engaged in attracting new settlers to our line, has been particularly active lately, promoting and aiding in water conservation and irrigation development in all the northwestern states. These projects, considered from a long range standpoint, one day should do much to increase our agricultural tonnage.

November 6, 1941, Chicago

Dear Dad,

... Although we've been using diesel engines for switching for some time our first road diesel went into service today on the run between Avery, Idaho and Othello, Washington. It's a 5,400 horsepower beauty.

February 18, 1942, Chicago

Dear Dad,

Uncle Sam has seen fit to come through with the commission I applied for last month so I don't know where I'll be when I send my next letter your way ... My wife and children are taking my departure as philosophically as they can, under the circumstances. Thanks for the invitation but she thinks she will be better off here. The children and her work in The Milwaukee Road Women's. Club will keep her occupied.

... the office has been a hubbub of activity because of wartime traffic. We're already feeling the pinch of the equipment shortage. I'll still be in Railroad work, even in the Army, as a member of The Milwaukee Road's engineering battalion ... Keep me posted about things on the home front. Incidentally, I've asked our Public Relations Office to send you copies of The Milwaukee Magazine. That will keep you up to date on what's going on here and you can pass the word along to me. I may be moving around quite a lot and my copy might be slow in catching up with me.

  Photograph of the new Hiawatha:
  - Hiawatha No. 100
  Photograph of this locomotive type:
  - EMD FT

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