Here We Are
SEK-mo is a newly forming modular group who are
building modules to the U.S. Free-mo Standards. The
Free-mo Concept was developed with the idea of building
modules to operate prototypically, and not to run in a
circle. Module owners now can recreate a specific locale
and build the module to fit the scene, instead of the
scene to fit the module.
Free-mo was developed with the idea of a set
of standards which mainly focus on the module endplates,
control system, height, and wiring. What this allows are
extremely flexible standards that work. The module can
be any length, angle, or size and only where your module
is mated to another is where the individual loses the
flexibility. Keep in mind though, the standards still
mandate track sizes, wiring, and the minimum radius
through the module or modules sets.
If you like what you read above, Free-mo may
be just what you are looking for. Some of us aren't
blessed with a place to operate our finely detailed
equipment, so we have to explore alternative methods.
For us, our modeling style and Free-mo go hand-in-hand.
Please read the
FAQ page to answer
additional questions.