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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/thorntontom.
Welcome to Thornton Tom's London Bus page. On this site you will find a wide range of photo's and articles which be updated as and when I can. As you can see from the logo's above I have a "tiny" preference towards the Old Wandle District and its successors but I also have some photo's from outside so don't worry if South London ain't your thing. I cater for all tastes. You may be wondering why I have London Underground logo?. Well despite being a bus driver, I have also have a keen interest in London Underground and I hope to do some features on London Underground.
If you have any questions about the photo's on this site then email me or if you have any questions about transport in general then visit Transport World for a professional approach to transport discussion. Click the Transport Link on the menu bar for a little insight to the origins of the forum.
Please note this site is NOT connected anyway to TFL or Arriva in anyway whatsoever and all views are my own.
Thanks for visiting hope you like the site, click on the links tab for some other excellent sites.
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