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This is the
reason why I don't particularly care for CN's paint scheme of the 1950s.
Yard switchers were black. Nevertheless, I had to see if I could
paint one, and I did. The Athearn SW-7 shell needs a little work
if it is to become a CN SW-900.
First, I carefully
removed the six banks of three louvres at the top of the hood doors.
Then I filed away the ridge along the top of the frame so the frame
is flush for installing extra handrail stanchions along the walkway.
By the 1960s CN GM switchers had frame-mounted side handrails. I
also filed away the edges around all the old stanchion holes on the pilots
and drilled three new holes to install the correct number of stanchions
for the end handrails. I chopped off the exhaust stacks and installed
a single spark arrestor, I added cab sunshades, a radio antenna, and two
extra trumpets to the cab-mounted horn. The loco was painted flat
black, and a coat of Gunze Sangyo clear matte gave the loco its weathered
finish. I like the way the lacquer turns white when it interacts with Testors
flat paints. With a finish like that, who needs chalk? The
loco definitely looks like it's been around.
Detail Parts:
Keystone Locomotive
Works HO-11 CN SW spark arrestor
C-17 CN GP Awning
C-32 Diesel & Caboose Antenna
M.V. Products
LS 17 headlight lens for Athearn SW-7
C-D-S Lettering
HO-632 CN RS-18 diesel locomotive - green and yellow scheme, c. 1960