This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/trainsarebetter.
This is where
it all began. In 1974 my family moved into a house that was about
three blocks away from CN light industrial trackage, and it wasn't long
before I was down by the tracks and watching trains. The locomotives
I saw looked very much like this one, either SW-8s, SW-900s, and an occasional
SW-9. After a couple months' worth of train watching I decided
I wanted to do a little railroading of my own. I bought a train set,
and I had to have a model of a GM switcher. The closest model I could
find was a Cox SW-1500 in Union Pacific colours (same as Athearn's
SW-7). That was fine, but I wanted a CN loco. So
I bought some Testors paint and smeared the whole thing black and red.
There were no CN wet noodle decals at the time, so I was left to paint
the lettering by hand. Not very pretty. The home made spark
arrestors looked even worse. But hey, I was only a kid. The
loco eventually burnt out and I chucked it in the garbage. However,
as I got older I made several other attempts, and about two switchers and
sixteen years later I painted this unit. 7239 was my first careful
attempt at brush painting, and I was quite satisfied with the results.
The only mistake I made was to use glossy paint. The dry transfer
decals stuck, surprisingly enough. The details are basically the
same as 7236, except that I left the Athearn single trumpet horn as is.
a picture of me holding the Cox SW-1500 while
was in the process of being painted in CN colours.
taken December 1974.
Detail Parts:
Keystone Locomotive
Works HO-11 CN SW spark arrestor
Detail Associates
SS 1301 Cab Sunshade
Detail Associates
RA 1803 Radio Antenna, Sinclair Type
M.V. Products
LS 17 headlight lens for Athearn SW-7
C-D-S Lettering
HO-163 CN roadswitcher - original modern 'CN' logo (before stripe), pre-1973