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  Historical Railroad Web Sites

We've always loved passengher trains and few people put on a more interesting show than PBS.  Something for everyone interested in the glory days of rail rtavel is on this site.  And be sure to watch the television series this site is related to.  We are not sure if this is a permanent site, so please let us know if you discover it has been deactivated.

The work of the Railroad Station Historical Society, this site contains many photographs, both vintage and contemporary, of eastern railroad stations of all sizes and shapes.  Well done photography and interesting histories abound in this fascinating site.  Being lovers of both architecture and railroads, we know we'll visit this site often.  Thanks to Fred Jones for leading us to it.

Michael comes from a family with many relatives who worked for New Jersey Railroads, and we were delighted when FJ sent us this link to maps, characteristics, rules, and other information pertaining to the fallen flags of this railroad intense state.  The site also includes an interesting interactive explanation of NORAC signal operation rules.

We spend a great deal more time in automobiles than we do in trains, and we've come to appreciate the unique architecture found along the side of state and US highways.  Although one might argue that the expressway is creating its own aesthetic, we prefer the buildings and images of a time when America motored on the two lane blacktop.  Many interesting photos and an opportunity to see grant money being put to good use.

Thanks to FJ for sending us this collection of New Jersey railroad maps, including some highly detailed track arrangements at busy terminals and locations.  Not too large as yet, but more is planned to come.


A very active New England railfan group that sponsors wonderful railroad trips and activities.

A must site is the Nicholson Viaduct homepage. Fascinating construction photos of this early twentieth century DL&W engineering marvel.

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