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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/tylick.


Division Office
Yard Office
Paint Shop

When we're not railroading, we've been known to while away the hours surfing the web. Here are home pages that we've enjoyed and think you will too. The only order they are in is that the most recent are at the top.  But please scroll through the list- some of the older ones are among the best. 

Model | Prototype | History

Michael has developed a reputation for quality custom model building, specializing in structures and rolling stock in all scales. He can start from scratch or assemble any kit, and can work to any desired stage of completeness.


Division Office | Yard Office | Roundhouse | Paint Shop | M.O.W. |Workbench

Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 by Tried & True Trains

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