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  Prototype Railroad Web Sites

We recently had the opportunity to ride the Reading, Blue Mountain, and Northern Railroad, a most interesting and beautiful regional.   We have never viewed a more railfan friendly RR web site!  Schedules, maps, photo tips, everything.  Their mission statement is quite unique as well.  Enjoy.

Coming from New England we love to watch railroads in the snow, but it's not often we get to see snowplows in action.  Mostly diesels push the white stff out of the way now, and occasionally a snow jet comes by to clean out the turnouts.  but if you like old fashioned snowplows, you'll have to check this site.  They tout themselves as the largest gallery of railroad snow removal equipment anywhere- we believe it's true.

We're always happy to point out a friend's website, and CC and Joe Suo are putting together a wonderful collection of railroad art for your use as cards and notes, or just to enjoy for themselves.  The site is new, but please contact AVD for a copy of their catalog and you can see for yourself.  We're also thrilled that CC and Joe are planning to publish one of Henri Bibeau's whimsical drawings very soon.

While editing the Eastern Rail News column the other day, Jimmy remarked how it seems every month at least one person is hit by a train in southern New England.  Model railroading just doesn't prepare you for the size of the real ones they can't stop very fast and they're a lot bigger than you are.  So please be careful, don't trespass, and stay off the tracks.  Expect a train to arrive at any time from any direction.  We've all been caught by surprise more than once.

We've been members of the Amherst Railway Society for a number of years, and always enjoy the guest speakers at the monthly meetings. In addition, the Society organizes the Big Railroad Hobby Show held each February in West Springfield, Mass. The show, arguably one of the five largest in the entire country and certainly the largest in the northeast, is unusual in that profits are donated to railroad related organizations and societies. Their new web site is starting to come together. If you're in western Massachusetts, please plan to attend the show or visit one of our meetings.

Railpace Newsmagaine is the premier railfan magazine of the Northeast. Their most attractive homepage contains unusual and interesting links to both official and unofficial Northeastern railroad homepages. Railpace describes themselves as the only fan magazine that devotes space to young readers, and the Teen Scene Column is very capably run by our friend Aaron Keller.  Technology has advanced so that railfans of a very young age can make excellent photographs, and interests have a way of crossing generation gaps.

Brian F. Case has provided us with a nice searchable list of railroad links and a delightful free set of virtual railroad postcards.

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